Jackson tries to race on the beach with McQueen and Cruz, but sinks.
Jackson: *blank expression* That's not funny, guys. Get me out of here.
Cruz: *worried* Don't worry, Jackie. We'll get you out of there. Right, Mr. McQueen?
MQ: *smirks vengefully* Yes, Cruz, of course. But I think it will rain right now. And when I get wet, I will rust. Besides, the flood is coming. We can get him out later. *notices, Cruz looks at him unimpressed* What?
Cruz: Are you serious right now, Mr. mcQueen? Not cool, old man. Not cool.
MQ: *rolls the eyes and sighs* Fine. Let's get him out. *drives to Jackson*
Jackson: *whispers threateningly* You will pay for that what you said.
McQueen: *whispers back* One day I will dance on your grave. *tries to help him*
Jackson: *growls* Grrrrrr, McQueen!
6 years, 10 months ago
09 Apr 2018 21:00 CEST
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