Chiyeko Chronicles is a series created by Volunteer artists who would like to create a short comic for The Eeevee Kingdom Anyone who is up for it may apply by sending a note to the group with the following information.
A bright an shining morning greats our young princes. She dashes out of her room to meet with Kai the Guard. Princess pearl is incredibly excited to go to the garden. Maybe the duo will be able to say hello to Honeydew! It's probably not obvious, but princess pearl is the one giving Kai a "Voice". Kai isn't the one talking. It seems that Pearl gives Kai quite a soft tone of voice. Maybe his quietness reminders her of her father.
step 1. Send not to group The-eevee-kingdom with above form Step 2. wait for Approval process and discuss with group admins Step 3. If approved, you will need to sketch out all pages first and note them to the group again before completing it. (To make sure your story stays around 1-5 pages) Step 4. If sketches approved, you can complete the pages you've made at your own pace from there. Those Pages should be sent to the Folder "Chiyeko Chronicles".
Note: If I find people trying to add Non-Approved series into the Chiyeko Chronicles folder, I will have to switch the entering process to "Only Admins can place your pages into that folder" and I really don't want to do that. Please be kind and respectful to the folder, and if you want to work on a series, send a note to the group.