I honestly ended up drawing more things of what I had to show, I did it with the only purpose to show a chronological order when I upload this.
Adventure is the personicfication of the Sonic Adventure Saga [1 & 2] and Terios is the personicfication of Shadow the Hedgehog (game) [His name is ‘Terios’ to not make any confusions, and Terios is Shadow’s beta name]
The first time this two hedgehogs met was on the events of Sonic Adventure 2, where Terios took the role of Shadow and Adventure the role of Sonic. They fight against each other, pretty much repeat the events of the game until near the end of it. Adventure is the one that talked and convinced Terios to help them save the earth [and remember the promised he did to Maria].
After share a super form and defeat the Biolizard, Terios fall to the earth and was presumidely death. With his inhibitors in the blue hegehog's hands he made a Memorial back on earth to never forget his rival.
Terios didn't die, he manage to survive the fall. However he wake up without memories of who he was or what he was doing there, he only remembered his name. He wandered around until he find out the Memorial Adventure made for him, took his inhibitors after remember that thoses were theirs and keep wandering around.
Terios's body slightly change before Heroes' events begin; some of his stripes began to turn grey and blue, his hands shift into 3-claws and he began to use boots and a cape. He met Heroes in his adventure and decide to help him time to time, not getting too attached to him in case they were enemies in the past, he needed to remember who he was.
Near the end of Heroes' arc the young hedgehog met his family, between them Adventure, who recognize Terios even when his apparience change in the last months... but Terios didn't remember him. After fight and defeat Metal Overload Adventure dashed into the Memorial he build to see if the inhibitors were still there, if this hedgehog had similar bracelets or he was using them. Terios followed him after had a flashback of him in Prision Jungle...
After some talking and a gently hand touch Terios' memory came back to him. Since then they start a friendship that slowly grow up, they both trust and count on each other. Everything was peacefull until Shadow the Hedgehog' events began with the invasion of the Black Arms
Af first Terios ignored Black Doom's promise to reveal his past and follow the Hero path along the blue hedgehogs and their friends, however after being exposed to the Black Comet and discover that he was part of the Black Arms he had dobuts, he feel afraid of who he was, what he was.
He was brute when he bring up the subject to Adventure, he asked if he would be able to stop him if he was one of them... Terios got the wrong message with the silence of the blue hedgehog and ended up walking away from him and following the Neutral and Dark path on his own, looking for answers.
After many events inside ShTH's arc, Terios got the 7 chaos emeralds in his power and discover who he was and that he needed to stop Black Doom at any cost.
Before the final battle, Adventure dash into him once again and confessed his real feelings, afraid that something similar to SA2's arc happen to him.
Terios won that fight, saved the world and came back to have everything clear with the blue hedgie; He loved him too.
The dreamcast hedgehogs have been together since then, everything is peaceful for them until a new game arc is activated, but their roles is minimal there.
But who knows if they will get some relevance in a modern game like Forces...
Nghhhhhhh I love them
I designed Adventure, Octy designed Terios
and stuff <3
sonic the hedgehog
shadow the hedgehog
sonic adventure 2
sonic heroes
terios the hedgehog
adventure the hedgehog
6 years, 11 months ago
02 Apr 2018 02:57 CEST
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