Flashing news! Presenter: Quinsor Matahualar (from Van Elektronische Journalism division)
Hello, we meet again with Quinsor for Flashing news for today. 9 PM (21.00 WIB).
Flashing News!
A new synopsis about Divide and Conquer has been released. And it seems about a huge war beetween Star Butterfly with Meteora Butterfly. That's right. Star vs. Meteora. for real.
Disney had officialized that there will be the showtime. Just look at it. these 2 episodes placed in total, 1 hour, meaning 30 minutes per episode. As well told by, Daron Nefcy as the story writter and creator of the show, settled this event as a Season finale.
If you look at this drawing drawn by Sir Joel Robert Justiawan, it says Star fights like Undertale. He said that this means a hope. What a hope is it you ask?
Well, He and friends and us wants the fight ended up in MERCY as Toby Fox, creator of Undertale hoped for the rest of the gaming industry. They insist, that nobody gets killed in the scene. although some speculator suspect that either Moon, Meteora, or else may get SCRONCH, aka, slain.
Wow, that must be fun to watch. It will be shows on Disney XD 11 AM, 7 April 2018 (USA). stay tuned. If you cannot have any access to Disney XD, feel free to look some spoilers.
And that's wraps up for this moment. Perkedel Technologies would like to give aditional info, but unfortunately, we were running out of time. sorry.
anyway thx for tuning in Flashing News! , for now. I am Quinsor, and we'll be back again in next hour. good night.