Its a very small start don't be mean about this piece of trash. Its all just random made up. After many false starts at trying digital art I thought about seriously trying to get into it.. I have always loved the idea but it was just so overwhelming. first bought a little Wacom tablet, The Graphire 2 in early 2002 thinking that I was going to use it to learn to draw myself. I only ended up plugging it in only about a minute every 2 years. I got this thing while I still had a Windows 98 PC It was just so damned annoying to use, It wasn't until last month that I found out you needed to map the pen writing area! Ooops!
I always thought it was automatic. And that made it so frustrating to use so I kept giving up. That and trying to use it with M$ Paint. Yeah, I'm that lame. It sat gathering dust on my desk drawer.
2 years ago I got a sweet iPad Pro 9.7" the 256 GB top of the line version and some free drawing apps. Again I just found them so difficult to grasp. and didn't do what I was doing. So the Apple pencil went into hibernation for 2 years.
I tried playing with the apps again and got some new ones to see if I could do something. It will be very slow but I'm getting some things slowly.
And for the main PC I was looking for free very simple to use starter drawing programs
suggested a few and I tried them but the one I found somewhat easy to use was one called Open Canvas. Its an older program but quite cumbersome to use but the easiest of the bunch to grasp. Beggars can't be choosers.
So after exploring it I made my very first digital piece! I'm somewhat proud. I know its silly and very stupid. I just wish that the color chooser on it would have worked properly. I had more ideas but the color palette didn't let you choose the exact colors you wanted for some unknown reason.
It ended up being a goofy-looking and weird avian looking thing. At first I wanted it to be a flamingo, but I painted myself in a bind and didn't know how to move it up to reenter, so its a weird looking thing that looks like a flamingo swimming 😉 I literally didn't know jack doing this, I was just winging it.
So, yeah. My first thing I ever do with a tablet. I'm surprised that old 16+ year old thing works. I guess I will have to see if any other free programs that work are out there for beginners.
Hehe! I see you picked one! I started off on OC too. careful! I just tried running OC on my windows 7 machine and it skews everything horizontally. Like if you try to draw a circle it will be an oval. Don't know if you have that problem, just pointing it out.
SmoothDraw is another uber simple program. It's super basic though, so it doesn't have the usual hotkeys like spacebar to pan around or CTRL+ALT to change brush size and it's still being developed. You'll need to update dotNET to use it too.
Hehe! I see you picked one! I started off on OC too. careful! I just tried running OC on
Thanks again for all your advise. For me the buggy part was the aforementioned almost useless color selector/chooser! It just never worked right from the get go. You had to try and hunt for a color somewhat remotely to what you wanted. But yeah, its a start ☺
Thanks again for all your advise. For me the buggy part was the aforementioned almost useless color