It's the sensational Sardine, the wildly cool OC and sona of my wonderful friend and mentor prayke!
Sardine is a very unique sort in that they can interchangeably swap parts, including their head, mixing and matching different species and creatures along the way; depicted here is Sardine rocking a colorful cockatrice look!
My first finished piece for 2018 and gosh am I thrilled (gee Magpie, it's only MARCH!) I've had some breakthroughs these past few days though and am stoked to get cracking and continue chasing exciting progress drawing fun characters and spiffy scenes. Thanks to everyone who has offered kind words and support throughout troubling times and I hope that you all enjoy the art yet to come!
6 years, 10 months ago
17 Mar 2018 21:32 CET
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Full Size: c00ec3589b729f39c9050f0cc16c74fb
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