I can't even say that about. The only thing I like about it is the animation, hardly at that even. The characters are just so weak and their personalities change often. I've noticed the show -has- a story line but it's so weak. Every episode is a 'filler' episode. Cartoons that I like have stories (and if not stories, senseless violence lol).
This is why I can't stand any of the shows on Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon (I know they can produce good shows, like the Avatar). And if the shows are going to be fillers at least make the characters good and the comedy -actually- funny. I watched like 10 or 12 episodes before I decided to give up on it; and I only snickered 2 or 3 times.
Ugh... ahaha I can rant about that show all day if I could.
I can't even say that about. The only thing I like about it is the animation, hardly at that even. T