commissioned me to draw his fursona soggy riding on one of his irl plushies. He gave me a good list of what he had and I looked over which would be best... when I saw Barney, I thought it would be the best fit since that's one of his biggest plushies he owns. (I think lol)
So why would I pick Barney out of the other plushies? To be humored, mostly. X3 I know Barney doesn't have a good reputation (especially on the net, due to being viewed as "nightmare fuel") so yeah, that is why you are seeing the thumbnail... it was to warn the watchers I have (including those just passing by) and to spare everyone's eyes! So for those that doesn't like Barney--you should be thanking me, SO YOU'RE WELCOME! XD Since it's just a thumbnail picture containing a link to the pic, this is in Scraps obviously.
Anyway, for those that would like to see the picture, come over here to FoxWolfie's upload. So comment all you wish over there. Be sure to favorite my upload if you favorite his upload so it would still count! Lol.