Well... I tried, at least. ^^ Actually, it's been a really long time since I tried to draw a Charmander (11 years, if my memory still serves me).
So, I thought about to try and bring that Pokémon design to my style, and this is (kinda) my "re-creation" process. Basically, these are more like guidelines, and the structure was simpler as I could do: I used almost the same body type I used in my feral otters, attached some reptile-like features (I even tried to adapt the way I draw Lyza's head on this) and the obligatory fire on the tail tip.
And, I don't know... Maybe I can make this Charmander girl as an Poke-OC or something. Or maybe to arrange some interaction with that Treecko girl I did in the Inktober... ^^
You can check the result of this process in this pic.
I'm just sorry if my handwriting is hard to read here. My handwriting is getting worse and worse! *^^*