But Sally wants to return the gift by making him the hottest and spiciest Chili Dog she could make....she calls it Sally's Royal Super Mega Chill Dog! As you can see Sonic is already in Love with the specially made Chili Dog that is about to be given by Sally. Sally: Hey look what I made you Sonic:...HUH!?!? :wow: WOW GIMME GIMME GIMME!!??! Sally: Stay Sonic Stay... Sonic: :lol: * struggles to stay * Sally: Come and get it Sonic Sonic grads the chill dog and within a second but eats it slowly. Sonic: OH my god!! *:chew: makes pressure sounds:chew: * Thank you Sal this has to the best Chill dog I ever had *:chew: makes pressure sounds :chew: *, I love you even more now for making this for me!!:love: Sally: your always welcome Sonic, I'm grad you love it ^_^
I been wanting to do a Sally feeding/giving Sonic a Chill dog as I thought it would be Super Cute!! :aww: (plus Sonic Loves Chill dogs so why not give him one as Love Gift? Sally did and Sonic loves it VERY MUCH!!)