"It doesn't have to be like this! Walk away, and I'll disappear!" "You think my honor would let that happen?!"
". . . then farewell."
Ok, maudlin melodrama aside, I've been toying with a fan-story with Usagi that kind of serves as a bit of a deconstruction of the character. I've always been annoyed how Miyamoto Usagi has always enslaved himself to this high-and-mighty concept of honor that has costed him his childhood sweetheart, his newfound love, and even his son.
I get that Japan's culture at the time of the 1600s had little room for love and happy endings, but find me in the alps if it doesn't bug the living chin-chin out of me. So, be prepared for some more crazy experiments like this, while I figure out how the Helsinki I managed to draw this drunk as a skunk on Heineken.
Usagi (C) Stan "the Man" Sakai Art (C) Mai Bawls, aka