Kyle had just woken up from his afternoon nap and was ready to play. He grabbed the toy keys that were on the ground and jingled them above his baby brother.
"Look Caiden! Keys!" shouted Kyle to his 6 month old brother who, up till this point, was sound asleep.
The Smith family may have found the next Picasso!....or at least it'll be cute enough to put on the fridge. His folks are just thankful he didn't paint the walls again, and in turn, have his backside painted.....again.
Aw yeah! He did it! He finally did it! At the young age of four, Caiden is ready to take on the world. He is completely potty trained at day AND night. Haters gonna hate. Brand new big boy pants and all. #theyhateuscausetheyaintus
They grow up so fast. Caiden just graduated from Kindergarten and is walking across the stage. Not before giving his mom and dad a quick wave for that Kodak moment.
As Caiden moved into his teens, he got a little more adventurous and reckless. At the young age of 17 he was already racing motorcycles. Safely of course....
Lexi thought that it would be fun to play with her little brother and cousin. Unfortunately for her, boys will be boys.
'Stupid boys. I was building a nice house for my toys and they came out of nowhere and played "Godzilla"....That's the last time I play with them.' thought Lexi
Wow! This is neato~! I never thought of Caiden as the potty trainable type x3 Its so wierd to see a character like this as a teen and an adult, this is so awesome though :D
I also love how you gave each one a name and description of it's own, not many people do that for posts like this, I really like the lil story it has going :3
Wow! This is neato~! I never thought of Caiden as the potty trainable type x3 Its so wierd to see a
I do! I love Caiden! I've always especially loved his diapers only personality, like his parents keep trying to potty train him but he'll just keep going in his diapers because thats what he loves to do, ;p I especially love this picture for that exact reason! You look so happy with your diapers its too cute <3333
I do! I love Caiden! I've always especially loved his diapers only personality, like his parents kee