Character Sheet for Edward Prower
Enigma, freak, Mr Nobody, Riddler, That weird question mark guy, Eddie
Character Description
Edward Prower, AKA Enigma, is a super criminal and self-proclaimed mastermind who leaves riddles on his crime scenes. So far the only one able to solve them was Sonic, along with his older brother, Tails.
Edward suffers of a severe inferiority complex, due to Eggman torturing him and making him think that he was a nobody, which he covers with violent behavior and narcissism (he claims to be "The world's greatest everything"), with a hint of hubris. However, he also sports severe immaturity and acts like a man-child, as he believes that he has been robbed of his childhood hence why he acts like a kid. He's also completely incapable of understanding his insanity and shows anti-social behavior. Amongst these traits of his childishness are competitiveness, recklessness, stubbornness, pride, rash outbursts, fiery temper, aggressive tantrums and sullenness.
-Intelligent people
-Proving that he's the smartest
-Teaming up with smart people (Or those who he retains smart)
-Fooling the law
-Stupid people
Edward was a very cunning little fox, sporting an insane IQ of 350, who had an innocent love for riddles and treasure hunts. However, everything changed during the Eggman attack. He and his family were apprehended and sent to Robotnikatraz, however his parents managed to save Tails, his older brother, but got killed before they could save Eddie too. He was Eggman's youngest prisoner and he loved to torture him, going as far as to mark him with a question mark-shaped hot iron as Eggman's main goal was to make him realize that he was a nobody, no one special, and that was the reason why his parents didn't saved him. After many years of torture, Eddie's mind started crumbling and, when the Big Escape occurred, he was left behind and trapped in the rubbles, forced to fight rats to eat until he was found by a rescue team three weeks later. In a burst of anger he killed them before running out. He wandered for weeks until he arrived to Station Square and lived as a hobo, until his smarts were noticed by the head of a programming society who hired him. He worked for a while for him, building a small fortune for himself, until he heard of Eggman again and saw Nightfox fighting him on tv, immediately recognizing his brother. Thirsting for revenge, he quitted work and donned his Enigma persona to destroy both the monster who took his precious childhood away and the little freak who got spared from the horrors he saw.
Amadeus Prower (father, dead)
Rosemary Prower (mother,dead)
Miles "Tails" Prower/Nightfox (brother)
Body shape: ordinary
Hair: He has a bob, though often he has sideburns
Fur: Orange, white
Eyes: Blue
Markings: A huge question mark-shaped scar on his chest, four question marks tattooed on his eyes
Green bowler hat with purple stripe and yellow question mark, green jacket with yellow question mark on his back and with tails, purple tie and fingerless gloves, brown shoes, round sunglasses
He's never seen without his signature question mark-shaped cane, which holds a barrier, a sniper rifle and several other devices