Eventually I want to do all of them, but I must respect what majority decided, I'm curious who will win next time ^^ it's so much fun to me when my Patreons participate :)
Eventually I want to do all of them, but I must respect what majority decided, I'm curious who will
Mi lenguaje nativo es español, sin embargo la gran mayoria de qien lee mis comics usan el ingles, re-hacer todos los dialogos (otra vez) requiere una cantidad de tiempo bastante considerable. Si fuera por mi todo lo publicaria en español haha pero debo pensar en la mayoria antes de mi propia comodidad, pero lo considerare te lo prometo.
Mi lenguaje nativo es español, sin embargo la gran mayoria de qien lee mis comics usan el ingles, re
This was a comic I published for my patreons back when I had patreon (they shut me down) atm is not availabe but in the next weeks I'll put on sale for everyone. Just need to finish with my commissions and make some grammar fixes. I'll let you know when it's ready
This was a comic I published for my patreons back when I had patreon (they shut me down) atm is not