I have used poser myself and was wondering which model you used for this? i love good k9 model's and it doesn't look like you used Krystal for this one. Wouldn't mind knowing which model you used. If you happen to have done this and Poser.
I have used poser myself and was wondering which model you used for this? i love good k9 model's and
wall if you know any 1 using Poser feel free to point me thar way;).i am all wase looking for furr's using Poser and i am looking for a good Custom horse head for my furry work.
wall if you know any 1 using Poser feel free to point me thar way;).i am all wase looking for furr's
I create morphs sometimes for poser when people order it. If you let me know which character the horse morph would be for I could probably give you a fair price.
I create morphs sometimes for poser when people order it. If you let me know which character the hor
wall what i am after is a head like 30/30 from brave star .a head like that i cod use on my v4/m4 and with some tweeking use it for savel thing's.a few of my furr's are horse's and i have no mage to get the head look right + i at some point want too do a 30/30 female;) and a male i plan too mass with the pozer horse heads and add houmen eye's see if 1 of tham work's.the pozer horse's jest havethis dead looking eye's so i have to swap tham ut with eye's off a m4 or v4 head.
wall what i am after is a head like 30/30 from brave star .a head like that i cod use on my v4/m4 an