when I asked some art ideas / suggestions etc. on Tumblr.
Doing this was fun and I really enjoy Don in this, ahaha! :D I will draw other suggestions too but I work with them between comic commission when I feel I need a break from comic.
I luckily don't have any issues with jars since I usually never buy them XD And IF I do, I have kind of rubbery (and loose) round thingy what I put on the cork and it gives firm hold of it and I can twist the cork open easily. If this won't help, however, I take biggest knife what I have, lift it up right and hit the cork's edge with the backside of the blade. If you hit on right spot and with right force, cork should made loud *plop* sound and then you can open it easily :D
I luckily don't have any issues with jars since I usually never buy them XD And IF I do, I have kind
I have mini pickles in the fridge :D I love them since they are more crunchy than bigger ones. Hahah perhaps Don is the one who usually, after Raph, opens jars up for everyone so he has skills ;) Raph might have got traumas as well (in the worst case).
I have mini pickles in the fridge :D I love them since they are more crunchy than bigger ones. Hahah