A very thrilling work of art by https://inkbunny.net/Metamorphosis I'm not a huge fan of the Silence of the Lambs media, but I don't fault anyone else for enjoying them. Scarlett is one of them and they had come up with this piece as an entry to a Halloween costume contest I had held in the past. It features their character Richard as Hannibal and my character Jenet (making her first appearance in furry form) as Clarice from the film Hannibal. Scarlett also has a thing for redheads and really wanted to do a pic of my redhead Jenet. This pic would actually be the start of another canon pairing between one of my characters and one of Scarlett's after a fan fic based on this image by Scarlett of Richard and Jenet meeting at a Halloween party. It's made for some interesting head canon as Richard is a friend of Jessie's, as well as a former bondage play partner, and Jenet is one of Jessie's best friends as well a former lover of his. To this today these two are currently in a blooming long term relationship. Also worth mentioning, originally that cleaver was meant to be real for the sake of the theme of the pic, but it has since been retconned to be just a plastic prop from a Halloween store.