When reality catches up to you and you realize you aint exactly young anymore. I've mixed feelings about this, I feel guilty about those who're older than me D:
If only you could stand on top of the sand that's already fallen and rearh up to plug the hole (biological immortality or at least stopped aging).... Or even figure out a way to break the hourglass and escape without getting crushed or cut as it falls apart (metaphysical immortality?).
I think my hourglass has a steeper slope (so, e.g., the difference between 30 and 31 is closer to the difference between 20 and 21 than this picture shows), but I'm definitely feeling the gradual loss of vitality over the years/decades. It sugks. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, unless it was the only way I knew to get them out of my life.
If only you could stand on top of the sand that's already fallen and rearh up to plug the hole (biol
On the bright-side our younger generation don't know as much as we do :p I was actually feeling suicidal and called a helpline when I drew this lol. Its a matter of shifting perspective and focusing on the things we're still young enough to do and frankly, the most important and fullfilling things we can do we can be ANY age. This is actually one of my most regretful pictures because I can imagine bedridden 80YOs thinking "This young ungrateful whippersnapper!"
On the bright-side our younger generation don't know as much as we do :p I was actually feeling suic
Well, we're old enough to know we don't have forever, but young enough to still have time. Heck, we can even watch trees grow from seed! (Chinese proverb: The best time to plant a tree is 50 years ago. The next best time is today.)
I don't know if or how much you want to discuss, but I'm glad you made that call!
Yep, you're never to old to express yourself in your medium of choice (even skydiving) or to connect with people (even strangers). I have the feeling that most older people would think back and remember when they started to realize they had stopped growing up (frontal cortex finished developing, etc) and started growing old (but still full of plasticity). If anything, they'd be glad that you're finally valuing time and youth as the finite resources they're dealing with. On the other paw, there are assholes in every generation.
Well, we're old enough to know we don't have forever, but young enough to still have time. Heck, we