Chapter 4
Welcome to the family
So after chatting it up, I took out my phone and scrolled through it like anyone would do with a smart phone. I decided to play the song, “Welcome to the Family by Avenged Sevenfold.” ironically Scott knew the band and became a table tapper to the drums. We all were head banging to the song by the time it ended.
“Ha, seems like we have such a common ground Scott!”
“I know right? It is so hard finding someone that likes what you like around here.”
“I know the feeling.”
Scott stared at me blankly, and I looked away to not make him feel weird. Finally after everyone exchanged looks, they decided to go.
“Ha, sorry hun, we have to go, all of us have a project we were working on.” (wink)
“Awesome, well I'm going to stay here Sarah, maybe I'll see someone else here that I haven’t seen in awhile.” indeed was I right, and I just didn't notice.
“aight then ya wolf, have fun!”
“Thanks, you too, BYE GUYS!” I could tell Scott was gay, but he doesn't want to say it.. we will just have to wait and see don't we? Anywho..
I was finally alone to just sit there and think.. but I didn't really want to think of him right then and there. I missed him too much and I didn't want to cry. I started walking around to find Hot Topic, only to find it replaced with Nirvana.. “Oh that's great..” I thought in my head. Although I saw a new rave shop, “Dj Shop n' Drop.” Such a corny name, yet I wanted to go in to see what was in there...
Yea, I know I'm not a wolf, but only one person called ME that. It couldn't be..
“No fucking way.. Brugi!?!?” I was to surprised. The one who Left me is here now?
“Yep, its me you silly! How are you? I've missed you so much!”
“I guess I'm okay, I was just thinking about you to be honest.”
“haha -blush- so how was college?”
“surely as hell not fun, well at least I'm done and got my master's in Chemistry.”
“Definitely sounds boring.. so what are you doing here alone at this hour?”
I need to find out why he is here. Does he want me back? HE broke up with ME.. I'm confused.
“I was just hanging out here with my friends.. they just left a few minutes ago.”
“Aww, so your alone now? Right?”
“yes... why?”
“I had somethings I need to talk to you about..”