December 5 2017, My sweet soul kitty Eris was put to sleep. She had a tumor in her abdomen and was very skinny. Wasn't eating. I didn't want her to suffer so I took her to the vet and they put her down. It was my first time having to do this and it was very hard for me. I've had a dog (rolf) and another cat (Shadow) but for some reason Eris was a big deal to me. I miss her so much, more then i have ever missed my other 2 pets. At times she was a pain in my ass but other times she would cuddle up with me. If i lay on my side she was always laying on me. She didn't like to show affection to me when others were around. If i had people in my room she would constantly meow to them until they gave her the attention she deserved. Eris went to so many places with me, Boulder Creek (CA), Felton (CA), San Jose (CA), Hollister (CA), Sacramento (CA), Delaware, and Aiken SC. Kinda feels like she shouldn't have died yet.
I miss you so much Eris, My kitty of chaos and discord.
Art by lunchiepanda Thank you so much for doing this. Eris looks beautiful.