Hope you like the update and the skunk part is a reference to something that happened a year ago. Krezz gave me permission to use his character but I didn’t go into details as I recall what would happen to him.
The Dream
Part 5
Summer of 1915
World War 1
Mako and his good friend Krezz the fox are in the trenches with there guns held tight against them. They had anther friend with them named Fritz the cat who always got into trouble. Gun shoots could be heard over head along with mortars going up into the air. A bell could be heard as it was there time to attack. Krezz and Mako were nervous at having to shot someone or it meant death. Fritz ran out of the trench with his riffle with out firing his gun. He ran about two feet before getting shot to death by the enemy.
“I want to, get back, to Maria” said Mako realizing how much he missed her.
“I know, what you mean. I love to see my lovely bunny Crystal again” said Krezz
The general a mean looking skunk standing over them with a pistol in his paw along with intent on shooting his own comrade if need be. The skunk aims the gun at the fox and only needs the pull the trigger to fire the bullet.
“Get up your, lousy maggots before I kill you, where you sit. I’ll even call you traitors, to your country. I would even make your family suffer and call them traitors also” said the general pointing the gun at the fox.
The two of them shock there heads as they had no choice in this matter of which way they would die in this war that never seemed to end. The two of them got up and saluted there general before making there way out of the trenches to no man’s land. They ran out firing there guns in the distance hopping to hit someone at all.
Krezz trips over a dead fur that looked like he was free from this madness. This fur even had a look on there face that seemed to make Krezz want to do the same thing. Mako looks over at his friend and the furs on the other side were firing back at them.
“Leave me and save yourself” said Krezz wanting to be left here to die like his comrades before him and to be free from this madness.
Mako ducks and lies flat on the ground hoping the bullets would miss him along with hoping the enemy thinks he’s dead. A bullet clipped his ear which was extremely painful but couldn’t make a sound to let the enemy know he’s alive.
Krezz looked at his friend but didn’t change his mind about dying on the battle field and ending the nightmare for good. He stands up straight with out his rifle in hand and salutes the enemy while being shot at. A bullet hit’s Krezz in the chest and falls down to the ground instantly.
“Noooooooooooooooo” yelled Mako getting up and running to his friend.
Krezz is coughing up a lot blood but was somewhat happy at the same time.
“Tell Crystal, I died a hero” said Krezz knowing his time almost up.
“I will and I’ll tell her how wonderful of a friend you were” said Mako crying as his friend is dying in front of him.
“Thank you” said Krezz and closes his eyes as he lied there lifeless.
“Your welcome, my friend” said Mako.
Mako start’s to run back to the trenches but doesn’t get too far as he get’s shot in the back and falls face first in the ground.
To be