" It's time to come home. " he said, his arm out stretched to the cold night air. And it stared in a strange way as it never had before. " No one has.....ever asked me to come back..."
They say some spirit folks don't know they're dead. Others say they long to return home, only to arrive at a place they are feared and despised in. Some spirits are restless because they don't know where else to go. Unwanted, they begin to twist and turn like branches, rotting away in bitterness and isolation.
Before there were hunters...before there was only fear and hate, before the spirits were driven into dark corners and the forests.. it was said that such a thing as love, and an open hand could lead a spirit back to society, back home...and back to rest.
7 years, 2 months ago
02 Jan 2018 03:19 CET
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