" | MrSOCKS wrote: |
If you wish to attack communism do it directly. |
" | MrSOCKS wrote: |
Don't talk trash about students who chant a slogan you don't like, saying they're wrong just because you said so. That's cheap and lazy, and while perhaps entertaining it doesn't make you look good. |
" | MrSOCKS wrote: |
And with decades of demonstrative communist/socialist governments from around the world to examine, dissecting the thing isn't really a challenge. For me, the best argument against communism is that those two nations that for decades were the greatest champions of communism, no longer are... |
" | MrSOCKS wrote: |
And yes silly boy, I DO listen to my conservative fellow-citizens. For years. I'm from TEXAS, are you joking? And they DO piss and moan constantly about being persecuted and imposed upon by all kinds of malevolent forces. But upon examination, the source of their complaint is that they're offended that they're actually being held to account for being the bigoted and selfish assholes they truly are. |
" | MrSOCKS wrote: |
Conservatives don't like to be questioned or challenged, and that is exactly what they are being subjected to. |
" | MrSOCKS wrote: |
The only American freedoms they're concerned with are their own, to hell with everyone else. They only love America and want to defend those parts of it that serve themselves, to hell with everyone else. |
" | MrSOCKS wrote: |
*I've already disassembled the whole "chains/privileged" thing. Across the world and across the ages, people of privilege and comfort risk everything to get something better. And that's because the value of any enchainment remains entirely subjective. Whether it be the Founders, other historic revolutionaries, the Buddah, or anyone in an abuseive relationship. "This life sucks! I want better, so I'll risk all to get it." This is not leftist or socialist, it is human. Simply because Marx gave a quote on it does not give him ownership to this universal truth. |
" | MrSOCKS wrote: |
An objective examination of Christianity would yield the same result. |
" | MrSOCKS wrote: |
But see, people need PROOF. They need meaty examples in the real world that they can apprehend with their animal senses. The burnt hand teaches best. And until any policy is actually TRIED, there is room for doubt and willingness TO experiment. So hold up China and Russia and remind folks that they tried communism and how that work out? Or just point to Venezuela in real time. Ain't it workin' out great for them? |
" | MrSOCKS wrote: |
*You may not know those people directly or personally-- a blessing, that. But these people have been out and loud about themselves for over ten years. They're kind of hard to miss. And they elected a man to be POTUS who is just like them...woe to the Union. |
" | MrSOCKS wrote: |
"You're joking, right? Conservatives have ALWAYS been questioned and challenged; indeed, accusations of 'racism' and 'hitler' have been the norm." *Yes. And they hate every moment of it. They are so convinced of their own righteousness, they take any challenge to their beliefs as a mortal personal insult. The easiest way to get a connie to bow up and hiss is to challenge their opinions. Just look at the behavior of Our Host, or any of the prominent connies out there. And let the connies try to defend their positions. It makes me feel somewhat nostalgic, tbh. |
" | MrSOCKS wrote: |
"most think that what they want for America is best for everyone," And THAT'S the problem! When anyone thinks they know what's best for someone else, without ever asking input from that someone else as to what they might really want or need, you get the kind of disruptive policies connies rightly bash the libs for pursuing. And this touches on another issue with conservative America: they just 'think'. They never seem to get around to knowing anything, they just 'think'. Allowing opinions or beliefs to overrule demonstrative fact is the second biggest weakness in conservative doctrine. |
" | MrSOCKS wrote: |
"My dear, I have seen conservatives and I have seen people one might describe as racist." I have lived around conservatives now close to fifty years, including my own family. They are racist. Whites, blacks, latinos. if they're conservative, they also tend to be racist. I've even met conservative racist Americans who still hate the Irish! |
" | MrSOCKS wrote: |
And conservative America ARE the far right: racist, Mammonistic yet fanatical, not so much misogynistic but they REALLY hate women who dare talk back to men, generally xenophobic and generally convinced that the world owes them everything while they owe the world nothing. |
" | MrSOCKS wrote: |
American conservatives HATE being so constantly reminded that they're not the center of the world. |
" | MrSOCKS wrote: |
And American connies would LOVE to be open fascists, to reign over everyone in terror and violence. They fantasize about it constantly, because that IS how they used to rule. Esp. in the South. |
" | MrSOCKS wrote: |
Connies and commies both want the same thing: to have total control all to themselves. And they are to be equally despised. |
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