Funny enough, I didn't even know this was being rereleased in HD until I showed a friend this and he told me about it. Good timing on my part then! Bought for PS4 lol
Okami's Amaterasu belongs to Clover Studio (Capcom) Art by me
Mine finally finished downloading today on my PC! I was so surprised to see it, I had been meaning to buy it. Great to get back to one of my favorite games-I hope it brings forth a lot of fanart again~
Great piece, as well, really does feel like the game!
Mine finally finished downloading today on my PC! I was so surprised to see it, I had been meaning t
I was so surprised as well! I didn't even know it was coming out until I showed this to a friend and he pointed me to it! Good timing, I love that game ^.^
Thank you! I tried my best, not bad for a first try at this style! :D
I was so surprised as well! I didn't even know it was coming out until I showed this to a friend and