Heavy History
[At Ms Sheila?s school...]
"Today we will start off with history. There are certain phrases you?ve probably heard but never knew where they came from. Take for example "muffin top". That was an accident when one pony said "Top of the muffin" instead of "Top of the morning".
"What is a muffin top?" asked Truffle.
"It?s where your belly is at or hung over the waistband of your outfit, Truffle," explained Ms Sheila.
"That makes sense," concluded Truffle.
"Next is "love handles", the fat at your hips that will sometimes spill over or threaten to spill over the waistband. Originally, if you grabbed another pony?s love handles, it meant you loved her. It?s not really used today but it can certainly return to that status," continued Ms. Sheila.
"I like that phrase right there," remarked Mocha.
"Have you heard of the Cheeky Mountains? Behind Belly Buffet are three rump-shaped mountains and I think you can all see where the name came from. They?ve been around since before Pudgyville began but didn?t have their shape until later. The fact that they resemble rumps in such vivid detail is just coincidental," added Ms Sheila.
"Wow, cool. I have to check these out after lunch or something," stated Galapeno.
"We?ll move on to math and as I said before, these are story problems featuring one of you. If you?re used in the story, you?re not allowed to answer it just so the others can have a chance. We?ll start with Galapeno if she doesn?t mind," resumed Ms Sheila.
"I?d love to," replied Galapeno. *she heads to the front*
"Galapeno loves putting on a show. Each night, she serves spicy nachos to her events and charges $2 per customer. If she had 30 customers on night one and 20 customers on night two, how much money did she make?" asked Ms Sheila.
"Ooh, 100 dollars!" declared Marie.
"Good job, Marie," replied Ms Sheila.
"I?ll go next," stated Mocha.
"Come on up, Mocha," answered Ms Sheila. *Mocha waddles to the front*
"Wow, what a rump," thought Truffle.
"Mocha?s rump is 10 pounds. What percent is that to the rest of her body if she weighs 200lb?" requested Ms Sheila.
"20 percent," replied Brittany.
"Very good, Brittany. We?ll move onto lunch and pick this up after recess," responded Ms Sheila.*They head to lunch*
"Mmm, can?t wait to have my slice of chocolate cake," thought Truffle.
"Aren?t you on a diet?"asked Mocha.
"Yeah because it?s diet chocolate cake," added Truffle.
"Just don?t have too much of that or you?ll lose your gorgeous body," advised Mocha.
"I know. I only get it once or twice a week," stated Truffle. [In the cafeteria...]
"Smells good, Gala," noted Darren.
"Thank you. Would you like one?" asked Galapeno.
"I?d love one but I?m not into spicy food," replied Darren.
"I see you?re more interested in my rump then. Well go on, have a feel." noted Galapeno. *Darren feels her rump*
"Wow, it?s soft and pudgy. I think I?m in love," added Darren.
"Kinda too bad you aren?t pudgy too. You?re not so bad looking yourself," remarked Galapeno.
"Really?" asked Darren.
"Absolutely. I love a fat male pony. Truffle is the only one in town that?s fat and a male but he?s taken. Gain weight for me and I?m all yours," elaborated Galapeno.
"I?ll do it," declared Darren.
"Isn?t there something against changing your appearance to appeal to someone else?" asked Mocha.
"Hey, if that?s what Darren wants to do, who are we to stop him?" asked Kyle.
"Besides, he won?t want to disappoint her as I think he?s found the mate he?s looking for," added Bob.
"Yeah, much like Bob doesn?t want to disappoint Jasmine, not that it?s easy to do," agreed Kyle.
"Or like you with Ms Sheila, retorted Bob.
"In just a few days, I?ll be the weight you want me to be, my sweet," thought Darren.