Not every day in Poly's life is an exciting adventure or a horrible violation! (Perhaps not even most!) Sometimes, she just has to enjoy herself. In this case, she's staying with Cassie and her caretaker, who tends to be nicer than most! In this case, letting them stay up late, watch movies, eat candy and soda, and generally make a mess of the living room. It's not quite as secure as some of the bunkers she's been in... but under those blankets, it feels just as much so.
Cassandra would ask to call it a draw. both are pretty cute and she know's she's cute, but doesn't want to be cuter than Poly. She's actually a lot kinder than most expect.
Cassandra would ask to call it a draw. both are pretty cute and she know's she's cute, but doesn't w
Awww, now this is just precious. Cassandra is such an adorable little thing, and I think you already know how much I like Poly, too. It's kind of nice to see her get to enjoy a day off, as it were. Every child should be able to eat junk food and watch movies under a blanket fort every now and then, and goodness knows Poly has more than earned it! I really like her outfit, too. It looks comfortable, and blue is a really pretty color on her. I could be wrong, but I think this is the first time, outside of things like Halloween costumes, I can remember seeing her wear anything but her black dress, too. I'll have to browse through your gallery again to be sure, though.
The artist has done a beautiful job with this. Both Poly and Cassandra look fantastic in their style, and I love all of the candy and snacks and things that are scattered about in such a glorious mess. My sister and I would do the same thing on summer break when we were kids, though we weren't so good at falling asleep after all that sugar. I had a feeling that Alex's idea would be something adorable, since he is such a sweet kitty, and I absolutely love this! Anyone who is under his care, however temporarily, is sure to be as safe as they can be anywhere, too!
Awww, now this is just precious. Cassandra is such an adorable little thing, and I think you already
I like to think she borrowed some clothes for the sleepover, when I was little and had unexpected stats at friend's houses their parents would let me borrow something to wear. Everyone Poly met is so nice that I'm sure it's something along those lines ^~^
I like to think she borrowed some clothes for the sleepover, when I was little and had unexpected st
Wherever she got them, they look really cute on her, and this is just a gorgeous picture all around! All of the details are beautifully done and the girls themselves are just gorgeous! The idea of her borrowing clothes is a cute one, though, and from what I know of Cassandra, and Alex, they would only be too happy to help her out.
Wherever she got them, they look really cute on her, and this is just a gorgeous picture all around!
*giggles* Maybe. I'm not so sure *everyone* Poly meets is as nice as Alex is~! Although, in fairness, sometimes Poly starts it on one of her adventures.
*giggles* Maybe. I'm not so sure *everyone* Poly meets is as nice as Alex is~! Although, in fair
^^ Thank you. Mm, I tell myself I like to get a mixture of clean and dirty art, but... *looks at gallery* I suppose that's not quite true! Having an excuse to get clean art is nice, and I'm happy that Alex won and chose something cute~!
Cassie is so adorable, and Poly enjoyed having the night (or maybe longer, I hardly think that Alex kicked her out on her rump in the morning! It's not like Poly is really in a hurry to go anywhere, so maybe she stayed for a while!) It's possible her dress got ruined somewhere in one of her adventures, and she didn't have a chance to get a new one yet!
I'm sure Poly definitely feels safe ^^
^^ Thank you. Mm, I tell myself I like to get a mixture of clean and dirty art, but... *looks at g