So Deus Ex Human Revolution launched August 23rd... ( 23.. get it? ;P <fnord> ) which I believe is intentional... They did use the 23 numerology thing in the first game....
... the next installment in one of the greatest video game fictions to date, at least in terms of storytelling, with its cyberpunk paranoid NWO crossbreed mythology and meticulous attention to technical detail (a-la Ghost in the Shell), I have to say I was excited.. and for good reason! The game turned out to be AMAZING. I am a little surprised how excited everybody else got for this one... its not the kind of mainstream sci-fi that I expected would appeal to most people, but I supposed I'm happy because it means they'll make more. :)
So this artwork features Jaspian as an Illuminati assassin (GO ILLUMINATI! >:) ) with the cybernetic red eyes and gray skin (or in this case... fur)... and he's still sooo sexy as he goes out to waste some anti-cyborg protesters.
So the pic is mostly by me (I had a lot of coaching). The background is blatantly ripped off from the trailer and turned red with some wash-out. The mech is stolen from one of the movies. And of course the Illuminati eye is just the one from the dollar blown up and colorshifted red.
Special thanks goes out to nateday for advice on the face and ears (although I think I made them too big), and of course thanks to moodyferret who gave me last minute advice on making the hips and butt better... although I think he looks a bit like a girl now... but then again... he usually does. :P
Enjoy! And if you haven't played Deus Ex, I recommend you try it out, its great! My New World Order awaits! >:)