Character Sheet for Drew
Character Description
Average-like humanoid furry species that is currently unknown. Not really fit, but can get job done. Slightly overweight, roughly 5'4''.
Very calm. Relaxed. Easy to hang around. Can easily get mad. Can be horny at times.
Likes: Video Games, his firesword, friends, drawing, skirts, being lazy, every soda.
Dislikes: Bad people, politics, people who fail to understand, people going against him.
Born from an egg from a rock sent into space roughly 1 million years ago, Drew spent the first few months on planet Earth, until he is sent back by coincidence to his home planet, Turquoise, where he currently resides and lives with his brother and 6 of his other friends.
Son of ancient dictator codenamed Drew2. Brother of Owen.
Planet Turquoise of the Sixten Galaxy
Grey fur with red hair and chest fur. Red marking on face is birthmark. Green eyes. Grey somewhat furry tail with red tip.
None in general. Will wear a t-shirt and black pants if required.
Flat cap and black jacket as optional