And agreed that Cupcake universe would need a Dexter pony to step in.
I decided to go ahead and put pen to tablet to draw my own version.
He's blue, because a lot of his pastel shirts he wears are blue, the backgrounds of promo's that feature him are blue and blue is also a color that lawyer's will advise you to wear while standing trial because it gives off a sense of trust/truth.
The Cutie Mark (Can't believe I'm going into depth on this) has a few different reasons behind it.
* The blood orange isn't quite what it seems on the outside, the dark bloody inside just under the surface isn't know.
* A blood orange is featured in the opening credits.
* His boat's name is 'Slice of Life'.
* He lives in Florida. (Not sure what Pony Pun that would translate to)
* He's a blood splatter analyst.
* It's subtle. Most ponies wouldn't really think much of it.
The whole time working on this i was watching 'I Survived...' episodes on Hulu. And every so often the little commercials would come on and suddenly Dexter's voice would be selling me a car. I was like HA! Irony.
This is also for my lovey because I know she'd probably be thrilled to feed him all the sugar cubes he wants.