The Blank Dragons are pawn like race they are made with alchemy when made they are white with no faces and thy able to follow basic orders from there masters but for them to follow advance orders a new part of the alchemy must be made a scroll with a alchemy symbol on the back the one in question writes down how they want them to act there looks and their gender and on compleating the scroll thy place it in the blank dragon's mouth and it will gulp it and it will morph and transform into what there owners want thy can be silent or their masters wish it thy can be created to speak.
roles they can do; guards, cleaners, worker and so on
when one gets killed they turn in to stone and shatter.
they feel real to the touch and even have a heartbeat also they have no need to eat or sleep.
7 years, 2 months ago
28 Nov 2017 19:18 CET
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