It's not an ask blog or webcomic. i don't want anything that regular but it will be very similar. Very much like how Pow started with mostly one-liner reviews but I want to avoid making a story arch if I can. These guys are from quite a broad range so some you might know and some not so I'll have to explain a little.
First of all I'd be rather offended if you didn't recognize the top two characters.
- Right is me or at least my official furry persona Sam Trondash. I want to avoid putting my other personas in here because there's enough characters as it is and floating levels of canon and fourth wall paradoxical fusions is too much for the average viewer to keep interest with.
- Left is Soubi, my fursona's counterpart. Not based on my inner feelings but rather based on the people i meet online.
Second-top row are two characters i guarantee almost every PPP member will recognize.
- Right is Nomy Noms, the fursona of Maxwell Galloway, the creepy pasta making guy and deluded with the illusion of being my boyfriend which it seems 90% of my fans agree with. No this does not make our relationship official. They're simply in there because they give me limitless material to bat off.
- Left is Glitch Bubbles in human form. The adorable mentally challenged character we somewhat overplayed when it became a meme but they are an unlimited source of daw.
Middle row my fans will recognize whether it's Albion, Pow Dark or me in general. They're animation testing models that were used in many of my games and were unlockable characters later becoming fully fleshed out characters.
- Right is Tsuchioh, who's a fan favorite and appeared in countless fan works.
- Left is Mao-Mao. He's also famous but unlike Tsuchioh he's very much hated.
Second-bottom row are more generally famous.
- Right is Ningyo Kyuubi who's been a meme a long time though under a different name. However we steered away from the trend most of the internet had which was somewhat malicious and after some meddling from a certain individual they did get some level of uniqueness to their design allowing us to put our stamp on it and truly separate them from the original harsh meme.
- Left is Fort Wall who's been around and around PPP in many variations but the trend has spread outside the walls and leaked all over the internet however the general public has no idea what the trend is and they've all put different spins on it in the confusion.
Bottom row is a lot more obscure but i'm sure for many people alarm bells are ringing. Both are inspired by characters from My Little Pony that went on to be high ranking side characters in Equestrian Gay Community, a fan series of said show.
- Right is Waffle Flex, the female fan variant of Buck Waffle, a character inspired by Caramel.
- Left is Turbo Drive, the female fan variant of Hot Rodney, a character inspired by Big Mac.
7 years, 3 months ago
19 Nov 2017 11:17 CET
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