Plump Pony Problems
[At the Ice Cream Shop...]
``Isn't it ironic that we're sitting here with no food?'' asked Bon Bon.
``We do need a place to think, Bon Bon. I guess this a new meaning to brain food,'' answered Bright Eyes.
``You don't think maybe the new pony Jasmine ate the food do you?'' asked Melody.
``Now wait a minute, Melody. She may be a bit larger than the rest of us but that's no reason to conclude she's responsible,'' protested Starlight.
``You're right, sorry,'' agreed Melody.
``What's this I hear about me?'' asked Jasmine arriving.
``We've had a food shortage here and Melody suggested you were responsible but quickly rejected the thought,'' explained Patch.
``I should hope so. I want this place to thrive not die out,'' added Jasmine before sitting down.
``You sure that can hold you?'' asked Starlight.
``Why wouldn't it? It can old you all just fine. What's a few extra pounds?'' questioned Jasmine. ``Well....,'' began Bright Eyes before the chair snaps off its post.
``That's why,'' finished Melody.
``No doubt about it, you're too heavy to use these chairs,'' said Bon Bon.
``Not to mention there isn't a whole ton of room between chairs and you could've brought the other empty ones down with you,'' added Melody.
``Are you saying......I need to lose weight?'' asked Jasmine.
``It's a bit of a paradox but that would solve the problem you're having,'' answered Bright Eyes.
``I can't lose this body. I worked hard, or not so hard if you prefer, to get it,'' protested Jasmine.
``You don't need to lose that much, just a pound or two,'' assured Bon Bon.
``Maybe one stool isn't enough or we need to make a special one for her?'' suggested Starlight.
``If we decide to make one, where do we put it at the counter when there's no room?'' asked Clover.
``We could put it at one of the ends,'' stated Bright Eyes.
``Good thing there's a bit of an alternate entrance around that space,'' sighed Starlight.
``This'll be wonderful if it works out,'' said Jasmine happily.
``What'll we make the stool out of?'' asked Clover.
``Metal most likely but we don't know how to weld,'' replied Bon Bon.
``My dad can weld,'' assured Clover.
``Great, let's go see him,'' said Melody before the group head over. [At Clover's house...]
``Hey, Clover, what's up?'' greeted her father.
``Dad, we need you to make a chair for our friend Jasmine,'' explained Clover.
``Where is she?'' I can't make a proper chair without her,'' protested her dad.
``She's outside. She's a bit fatter than us,'' added Melody.
``Well let's take a look outside then,'' concluded her dad. [Outside...]
``Ooh, taking measurements? Sign me up,'' declared Jasmine with glee before she gets measured.
``It's funny because I have something that might be her size, even if not actually a seat, or at least not meant to be a seat. I'll be right back,'' stated her dad before getting the object.
``What is it?'' asked Clover.
``It's a modified beanbag chair. Your mother and I never liked how the chair would sag over time so I strengthened it up internally. You girls can have it since we don't have room for it anymore in the house,'' answered her dad before Jasmine tries it out.
``Now this is a chair built for me,'' said Jasmine.
``Just have to unlock the wheels first,'' warned her father before doing so.
``Great, now let's get it to the Ice Cream Shop!'' announced Jasmine before the group begins. [At the Ice Cream Shop...]
``Tell your father I said thank you very much,'' said Jasmine.
``I sure will,'' agreed Clover.
``Best of all, it's a perfect fit, in more ways than one,'' remarked Melody. *the group laugh*