Sorry for the lateness again, a bit burnt out with the Halloween stuff and general sickness. Going to be taking a bit of time to relax next week to try and recuperate. I've been told that my health is a bit more important than rushing to make a bunch of deadlines, so some things might lag a bit, but I'll get it all done eventually. Still, here we go.
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Only a couple more pages! I hope you've enjoyed this chapter and are looking forward to the next one as much as I am! See you next week!
you know , now that i know that she is a demon that human shape is more scary now . the fact that she bends her back like that is also wierd considering her size . and her face looks like moving porcelain .
you know , now that i know that she is a demon that human shape is more scary now . the fact that sh
Considering she ate a human not too long before that... its safe to assume Eddie might have an insatiable appetite. Which means there is never a "safe time" to be around her.
Then again... she died share with the rat on the street there... (or at least left some scraps for those looking for a meal) which could of been out of courtesy... or simply due to her unpredictable and chaotic nature.
Considering she ate a human not too long before that... its safe to assume Eddie might have an insat
I like that their relationship went from one girl being annoyed at the antics of the other... to still the same thing but with terrifying undertones. This has serious implications for my slash fic though, you've definitely set me back a few weeks.
Two parts are my favorites here: the final shot with the pregnant pause, just... waiting. And the second panel that's really impressionist yet paints a more disgusting picture than if you actually took the time to draw it all out, thanks to the power of imagination. I'm gonna pretend those are noodles now.
I like that their relationship went from one girl being annoyed at the antics of the other... to sti