I tried. xD This was a quick one. So quick that I left out Midas' piercings. And I was so stupidly proud of the result that I decided to share it with you guys. lol. I've been wanting to paint for a while now. What do you think of it?
And would you guys be interested in commissions like this? A lot less sloppy, of course. I'd like to work with this more. >.>
And I did read the messages about your interest in commissions! Sorry I haven't said anything. I just haven't been the best health-wise lately so I'm waiting for all that to pass. It'll probably be some time before I open. I wanna be in the best mind for it.
Well uh... goodnight now.
7 years, 1 month ago
24 Oct 2017 07:43 CEST
Initial: 7d7fa396122cf248ef25c87022959eab
Full Size: 41084a28a53b58664665c0a4692db774
Large: 41084a28a53b58664665c0a4692db774
Small: d328560610827d675c5282f8d0b09fb9
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