Character Sheet for Eleanor Lefèvre
Domestic dog (mixed breed)
Gentle and motherly. She is the sort of person who takes an interest in other people and who is very good at soothing hurt feelings or troubled minds, or just lending a compassionate ear to whoever needs to talk. She is beloved by all of the children of her friends and acquaintances, and by more than a few of the adults as well, for her loving nature and her discretion.
This isn't to say she doesn't have a more playful side as well. She is known to take a lover from time to time, and it is widely rumored that she has given more than a few young boys and girls their first taste of pleasures of the flesh.
Likes: Sweet tea (iced), red wine, back rubs, music she can dance to, boys and girls who know how to dance, long walks, forests, camping, felines, cats, kitties
Dislikes: Dark chocolate, tomatoes, wasps, thunderstorms, snow, fleas, having her feet stepped on while dancing, being told no
Eleanor is a fairly simple, ordinary girl who lives a simple, ordinary life. She makes her living as a music teacher, specializing in the piano, flutes and singing. She mostly works out of her own home she is willing to travel to her pupils' homes for a modest extra fee. There are those who whisper that she is the heir to a considerable fortune since she appears to live much too well to simply be getting by on a part-time teacher's salary. So far, she has neither confirmed nor denied this rumor.
Thierry Lefèvre - domestic dog - son - 10
Eleanor is a mixed-breed dog with soft brown fur, brown hair and pale blue eyes.
At home, when not engaged in teaching, she prefers to wear as little as possible, and usually wears nothing more than an oversized t-shirt and sometimes a pair of comfortable boxer shorts. She has been known to lounge around in nothing but her own natural fur. When teaching, or in places where clothing is expected, she prefers loose blouses and flowing skirts.