-to claim a slot, comment with the number of the spot you wish to claim along with your character’s reference You may also choose your own costume and you can either leave the design up to me or show a reference. (if the design overly complex, some detail will be reduced/you can pay extra to have it drawn) -characters must be cubs (I can age down characters from adult refs) , but may be any gender or species -no bidding, prices are autobuy -please have payment ready and only claim if you can afford to -style will be ‘rough shaded’ https://inkbunny.net/s/1438204
Would it cover his blue on his head?? If you think it’ll look better if he has the wig then I don’t mind :3 but just the clothes and the duel disk is fine by me
Would it cover his blue on his head?? If you think it’ll look better if he has the wig then I don’t
To be officially Fuf'd, I'll take #2. :) https://inkbunny.net/s/1407420 (can be cub anthro red squirrel or cub anthro squirrel-satyr like his adult form.. either way, costume should be goat :)
I assume this will be NSFW?
To be officially Fuf'd, I'll take #2. :) https://inkbunny.net/s/1407420 (can be cub anthro red sq