Since I cant draw at the moment came up with an idea which is posting every UA I've made in order with a small description. Looking back at my art makes me go ugh but this is how it all started....3 years ago and somehow I made a stupid story out of it...enjoy (;-;)
1.Sonic Ultimate Adventures: Sally reborn? (The E.M. is resurrecting Sally to aid them in a battle against the rebels and an unknown threat. information about project classified.)
2.Sonic Ultimate Adventures: What is left of me. (Sally has been awoken with no memory in the midst of a battle between the E.M. army, rebels, and an unknown enemy. This unknown enemy soon introduces itself as the Chaos Master.
3.Sonic Ultimate Adventures: Lies for the liars (After a battle between Sally & the Chaos Master he informs her about sonic's future plans and her soul that is slipping out of existence slowly due to a dimensional interference cut.