so last set of buttons...for con this weekend - others in group (in case you are wondering about errors on outsides of circles, it gets cut off when the art is tucked inside button)
PICKLE RICK! and SECRET NUDIST nick wilde are my favs...what are yours?
I wanted to set up an online store and revamp my webpage some but won't have time. Still have to finish one poster...then in next day and a half half to pick out what former artwork I want ot display at con, maybe do some touch ups and what ones I want to do as pre set up grid system to hang stuff from as practice...
going to fursonacon in virginia beach... PS when I do set up online store after I can get a button (will take photo of ones I have made, they are pinned buttons, 2 1/4th inches so a bit larger than OK symbol with hand for $4 for first, $3 for each one after in one order, the 11x17 glossy posters will be $20 and (8.5x11 posters $10- not shown, of previous artwork) plus shipping, if u want, note me, and will take pre-orders, can take payment via paypal or credit card via paypal (you give number to them not me) as soon as I figure out shipping include zipcode in US