Musician Tom Petty had a heart attack today, and is either dead or dangerously close. The news bothered me a little, but after some contemplation, it started bothering me a lot. One of the first cassette tapes I had, and nearly spun off the spool from repeated listens, was Full Moon Fever, left in the trailer my family was renting in the early 1990s.
I've since moved on to a variety of music, from progressive rock to the founding members of the Native Tongues, but Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers remains one of those secret favorites, a band that slips from your mind until one of their songs is queued up on the radio or your playlist. Then all those warm memories wash over you and you think to yourself, "I really liked these guys! Why did it take so long for me to come back to them?"
Anyway. This is a black and white sketch of Petty dressed as the Mad Hatter, from his music video Don't Come Around Here No More. I tried to keep it as monochrome as possible to give it a striking, iconic look, but there was a little haze around the framing circle which I felt added some class.
Thanks, Mr. Petty. I wish we could have kept you around a lot longer, but I suppose the best things in life never last.
7 years, 5 months ago
03 Oct 2017 07:08 CEST
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