When you’re hard up for cash... print your own money! JK PLEASE DON’T DO THAT
Sorry I don’t have a proper midnight upload, today got complicated and I had to help someone move out so I figured that I’d try something different.
This is a concept of what the Urbian buck (Ʉrb$) would look like (probably with a Monarch of particular sovereignty on the thing instead of Gaz) I imagine the sword on the left to be embossed with silver foil and the oval on the right to contain an invisible watermarked logo of authenticity (the Gaz TV inc logo kinda serves as it’s place holder) and the background is a map of the 5 territories of the Mainlands. The runes are a promise from the royal bank to pay the note bearer the notes equal measure in Urbium,which is like the crystals you can infuse with mana but in their raw inert state. Only a complete idiot would hand over Magic charged Urbium to a bank teller and ask its value based on WEIGHT, like you can weigh magic. HA!
Anyway, yeah, that's how money in my canon works.
EDIT: ►UPDATED The font now uses "Nuthark" the modern derivative of Furthark the Norse Runes that I developed as the official alphabet of my comic's canon ►ALSO Changed gaz's body size cos the proportions bugged me, they still do but I can't do much about that right now. ►SORRY I had to change the pic of Gaz in the middle (his proportions and the old Gaz art style was annoying me ok?) but I left the old one so you could do a side by side comparison. Just to show you how much the art improved here
Gaz, Nuthark, Urbious, Urbians, Urbium and Ʉrb$ are (c) Gaz TV inc. 98 Owned and created by me Art by me
Nice, I have my own set of derivative runes, but I would have to scan them and work them into a font file to type with them so I just borrowed them from DaFont, but yeah some letters like J Q W and P didn't exist so I had to make it work.
Nice, I have my own set of derivative runes, but I would have to scan them and work them into a font