I run back to my Big Bwo-Bwo’s high school with the plushie in my arms so I could pounce him, tell him I love him so much, and give him a big hug for missing him the whole day at school. I’m running to the top floor of the high school ,I asked around the teachers to find my Big Bwo-Bwo, and they didn’t know who I was talking about so I showed them my plushie that looked like Big Bwo, they smiled then chuckled and pointed me to a History classroom in the far end of the hallway. I smiled and jump in excitement then bowed with a thank you and ran to a room where I was supposed to go to. I opened the door and walk in slowly to see another door on the left; I opened the left door just a crack to peek through and see my Big Bwo-Bwo with another boy there with him. He was browned fur all over and he was talking with Big Bwo-Bwo. I wanted to jump in and pounce him so I could hug him but I told myself that it would be rude to interrupt.
So I waited while looking through the crack of the door and saw the boy getting closer to my Big Bwo-Bwo and closing his eyes when he got close to my Big Bwo-Bwo’s face. My heart stopped and I see him kissing my Big Bwo-Bwo, and my big Bwo-Bwo was kissing back. Then my heart shattered as I watch them kissing each other, backing away from the door and dropping my plushie there. I ran and ran and and kept running to another room across the hallway - I didn’t know where I was going I just knew I didn’t want to see Big Bwo any more. I saw room in the corner of the hallway so I went inside. A dark and cold computer lab, perfect.
I went to the corner of the room, laid on the floor, and kept crying till I wanted to sleep for the pain in my chest to go away. It’s been 15 minutes of crying alone in a corner of a dark computer lab until the door of the room opened. The lights were flicked on, and I heard someone singing. I closed my eyes and kept crying. “ ♪ Alright, I need to finish my assignment before school closes. ♪ ” The stranger turned on a computer and sat down till a class computer powered on completely and he opens a small package of Oreos for the wait. I cried more and he immediately heard me. “ *Jolts up from his seat* G-Ghost!?” I cornered myself more against the walls as he walked closer to me. He looked around and didn’t find me. I relaxed for a bit until I made a squeak in the floorboards and I frozed up in fear and again backing into a corner. He put his hands on the table above my head with my feet sticking out I immediately pulled them towards me. He saw me!
I panicked and cried more with my eyes closed. He kneeled down and peeked his head under the table and glimpses at me, not knowing what to do inhis situation. “Oh… Um… Hey you doing okay down there?” He reaches for me and I hide more into dark underneath the tables whimpering. “O-Oh sorry about, you don’t need to be scared.” He’s a boy with black and white fur with the same school uniform as Big Bwo and he seems nice… I think. “You’re crying…. Wait here for a sec” I wasn’t going to move, and I didn’t know who he was. He comes back with a tissue box, he pulls some tissues out and hands them to me. I didn’t trust him, so I kept hiding in my corner, and wiped my tears with my sleeve. “... Alright then, I’ll join you.” He crawls under the table, sits right next to me, and hits his head under the table. “ *Thud!* Oww! *Rubs his head*” I giggle a bit quietly as I look at him one more time, he looks at me and laughs embarrassingly while rubbing his head…. He’s very tall… I sniffle a bit more, he is still looking at me while his hand still offering some tissues. I look at the tissues and then his eyes… They are beautiful green, I blush and take the tissues from his hand and blow my nose. “Why you crying little one?” He asked me, and I immediately remember Big Bwo-Bwo kissing that boy again so I cried more…. “Okay, wrong question to ask… *Pulls more tissues out for me* Here~” He smiles at me again and hands me the tissues and I blow my nose out again and wipe my tears.
“What happened?” He asked me, and I couldn’t respond well to this because I stuttered while crying and boogies spilling from my nose. “Bi-Big-Big Bwuh-Bwuh-Bwuh-Bwo-Bwo… *Sniffles* Does-Does-Does-Does-Doesn’t love m-m-meh!!!! *Cries more and spills more tears on myself*” He makes a sad face and hands me more tissues. He asks “Why do you think that?”i responded with, “Be-Because, He-He-He ki-ki-kissed another boy.” He looks at me, pulls me to his side, smiles, and pets my head “Silly, of course he loves you, he just has a boyfriend.” I sniffle and asked “Bo-Boyfriend”. He grabs a few more tissues and decides to wipe my tears away for me. “Yeah, silly, of course. He will always love you. That other boy is different from you, because the cute lil Bwo is irreplaceable~ *Pokes my nose gently*” . He gives me a smile and giggle, and I do the same then I asked. “What… What’s a boyfriend?....” I look up to him and shed more tears. He wipes them away gently from my cheeks while saying “A boy that you hug, hold hands, kiss, and go out to lunch with.” I look down to the ground and said “Me and Big Bwo-Bwo do that too…. Am I his boyfriend too?...” The boy blushes and explains a bit more, “ well no… You’re his brother, and a boyfriend usually becomes something more for the other person - Like they become married and get a house together and love each other forever” Then my heart sinks in again “Big Bwo-Bwo won’t love me forever?...” I’m back into fetal position and cry more. “You’re making this difficult little kid. Your big bro will love you forever. There are just things you can’t do with your bro like you do with boyfriends - There’s different types of loves.” I don’t understand at all so i tilt my head in confusion.
The black and white boy with beautiful green eyes remembered something; why he was in the computer lab in the first place. “Shoot! I got to finish my assignment before it’s too late.” The black and white furred boy goes back to his computer I get up and follow him, watch what he’s doing and opens a program. “... What are you doing?” He turns his head around to look at me and says, “Making a game program for my class in 3 days.” I get closer to his computer and look left beside him tippy toeing and my hand on the table to look up at the screen. “I can’t see….” He smiles and lifts me up by my waist and places me on his lap, “How about now, lil Cutie”. I giggle, “Better~” So I look at the screen and it’s weird stuff, “a game?”. He smiles and cleans my nose with some tissues, “Yeah. I’m making a game, it’s called programming.” I sat there on his lap, confused on what he was doing. “Okay so you know how we have our own alphabet and language so we can understand our words to people, right?” I nodded and said “Yeah?”. He continued lecturing me, “Well a computer has has a different language. What I’m doing is making it so the computer can understand and do what I want it to do. Does that makes sense?”. He asked me and I looked at the screen in silence, “... I think?..”. I sort of understand what he meant. It was like getting lost in Japan and asking for directions on where you wanted to go; a different language and different culture. “You’ll see what I mean.” He puts his hands on the keyboard and starting typing fast. Things I didn’t understand and whispered to myself what he was typing on the screen, “Codes, actions, movements, positions…” The boy smiled as he heard me.
Twenty minutes have passed by and it’s amazing how fast he works. He stops and rubs my cheek with his finger my ears twitched when he did, “Hey kid. You wanna play a puzzle game?” I immediately wagged my tail, turned my body towards him, and smile big, “Yeah please!~”. So he typed in a website with this game called ‘Bloxorz’ I think it was called. “It’s pretty easy. All you have to do is get that shape into that hole. You can moved the block with the arrow keys. Simple right?” He chuckled after he asked me. “Yeah, seems pretty easy.” I tapped one key and and the block fell on its side, and I giggled from it falling to its side. I kept moving it and it wasn’t that hard, yet.
“What…. now there’s two little blocks? …. *Ears gone droopy* ”. My tiny mind exploded and didn’t know what to do. The boy petted my head behind my ears and giggled. “ ‘Yup! Do you think you can do it?” he asked. I wagged my tail, my ears flickered, and his petting made my leg twitch a lil “ *Giggles out loud* It tickles~!. He now began tickling me “Oh does it? I’m sorry~”. He began tickling under my arms, and rubbing my belly and I couldn’t stop giggling. I was moving my legs around wildly. “ *Giggles More* O-Oni-Chan~! *Giggles Uncontrollably*” He smiled and stopped, and I turned around. “Oni-chan?..” He Pulls my backpack off and lifts me up by my waist and lays me gently on the floor. “Lift your shirt up.” I sat up, asked why. and he pushed me gently back down. “Just lift your shirt up, and you’ll see~”.
So I grabbed my shirt and pulled it up showing my bare tummy for him, then he began blowing raspberries on my tummy, and I couldn’t stop laughing. Then he stopped again and smiled at me. “O-Oni-chan?” I asked and blush with a smile. He looked at me and smiled. “There’s what I was looking for~.” I giggled and asked “What~?” and he responds with “Your smile, Silly~” I blushed when I looked into his eyes when he said that, then I covered my eyes with my hands. He lifted my shirt up and continued with the raspberries on my tummy. I couldn’t handle it and I kept laughing until “ *Stomach grumbles* Uh… Umm… *Blushing red* I-I’m Sorry…” my stomach grumbles more for getting hungry now. “Don’t be, silly. That isn’t something to apologize for.” He smiles, lifts me off the ground, sits back in his chair and seats me on his lap.
He grabs his bag, pulls out his Oreos from earlier, and he hands me a couple. “C-Could I really have some?... it’s yours.” He pets my head and places the Oreos in my hands. “Of course, we’ll be sharing~.” I turned around, blushing and smiling at him. He takes an Oreo to his mouth and smiles as he stuffs an Oreo to my lips. I smile, blush, close my eyes and eat out it of his hand. He looks at me and blushes too, and almost choked while swallowing. “ *Clears throat and blushes* … Wanna watch cartoons with me?...” I nodded and gave him a big smile with the Oreo in my maw. I turned around and laid my back comfortably against his chest. He pulls up ‘The Amazing World Of Gumball’ and i wagged my tail furiously “This is my favorite show!~” I shouted, he pets me to calm me down. “Oh really, who knew?~” he said as he saw my ‘The Amazing World Of Gumball’ backpack. As we watched for two episodes, I’m shivering from how could It was in this room. “It’s cold in here….” I said a loud. “It is huh?” He covers me with his arms and warms me up, “is this any better?” I blush and feel his warm body covering mine. I close my eyes and get closer to him. “Yeah..” as we watched more episodes, I fell asleep into his warm embrace. As I did he noticed and he carries me on his back to find my Big Bwo. As we did Big Bwo was in the middle of the hallway with his boyfriend and the plushie in his hand talking to his teachers if they have seen me. The boy walks over to him and tells him that I was with him the whole time in the computer lab.
I wake up and see my Big Bwo and his boyfriend, I hold tighter onto the guy I just met not wanting to be around my Big Bwo. “Bestie, OMG thank you so much - I’m so sorry this happened to you. Eden! Where were you!? You scared me - I couldn’t find you anywhere. Come on, we got to go home.” As Big Bwo was reaching towards me I lowered my ears and yelled out “No!..”. “Eden?...” he takes a look at me and sees me crying, and so he shows me the plushie to get me to come with him, and I immediately hide behind Oni-Chan’s back. “...” Big Bwo gets silent and nods his head “Okay...”. Oni-Chan feels intense awkwardness in this situation, so he says something “Eden, huh? That’s a really cute name you have~.” I blush, giggle, and cuddle him while I’m on his back. Big Bwo-Bwo sees this and gets kinda upset about it. “Hey I got an idea, how about I walk you home on my back, would you like that Eden?” I blush and nodded furiously as my tail wags furiously too. “How about that Bestie? Is that okay with you?” Big Bwo looks at Oni-chan and says “that’s okay, as long as he’s gets home.” Oni-Chan shakes me a lil on his back little. “You hear that, Lil Eden?~ I get to carry you all the way home~” I squeezed his back tightly, smiled as my cheek rubs his, and giggling. we didn’t even notice how fast Big Bwo crouched on the floor with his back facing us and being droopy/ depressed. His boyfriend comforting him.
“Oh shoot! Eden! Let’s get our stuff from the computer lab.” Oni-Chan told me as he sprints toward comp lab with me on his back giggling on the way back there. As we get there he puts me down on the floor and saves everything he’s done, puts his backpack on, and puts on mine for me. I bite lip and look down. “... Oni-chan?... Are you sure you have enough time for your projamming?...” He giggle and looks at me, “Programming, and I’m pretty sure I do-”. I stopped him and said “but I wasted your time… I’m so sorry…” he pets my head and smiles “Don’t worry about that. I had to stop your tears because you’re too cute for crying~ *Pokes My nose*”. I blush brightly and cover my nose while I look into his eyes. “Umm… Oni-Chan? Why do you have your back on your front?~ *Giggles* It’s not a frontpack, Silly~” He Blushes a bit, and says “Well Why Do you think I did it for?... *Blushes, crouches on the floor with his back towards me, and says, “So I could carry you. Now get on, Shorty~” I blush, put my arms around his neck and my legs around him as he lifts me up with ease. “You’re lighter than you look.” He says to me. I have my arms tight around him as I giggle from how high I am off the ground.
As we’re halfway to our home, we have an awkward silence along the whole way there. Oni-Chan broke the silence by saying, “... Hey Eden, did you know that your brother talks about you - Allllll the time during lunch when he sits with us?”. I rest my chin on his shoulder and look at him, “ … *Looks at Big Bwo* … No.. I didn’t…”. He continues, “Well he does. Every time you make his bento, he smiles every time he chews”. Big Bwo responds while walking backwards, “It’s because it’s really good!” He looks at me holding onto Oni-Chan tightly. He turns around, walks normally now and looks to the ground. “... I make them with love….” Everyone stops and turns their head towards me. I blush and hide my head behind Oni-Chan’s. Then the said in unison, “K-Kawaii….”. Just another block or two to our home, and Oni-Chan breaks the awkward silence again, “... Every Time your Big Bwo has trouble with his math work in class, he wishes you were there to help-” and Big Bwo interrupts, “Hey!.... *turns around looks at me again* I’m not good at math like my Lil Bwo-Bwo…”. Oni-Chan adds in, “and you make him do your work, which is very rude for a big brother like you”. I started to giggle and said to everyone, “it’s not hard at all. I don’t mind helping my Big Bwo, because we do it together and I learn more. I just read the directions in the beginning of the chapters, and it’s pretty easy.” Everyone halts and looks down to the ground in silence. “Not hard he says… What grade is he in again?...” is what everyone thought to themselves. “You sure love your Big Bro a lot don’t ya, Eden?” Oni-Chan asked. I said nothing, and then I spoke, “I do… Until he kissed that boy..” I pointed to the boy who I don’t know his name yet. “Wait me - Kissed? Well yeah… We’re together” the brown fur boy said. I glared at him for a long time as I hold onto Oni-Chan’s back tightly. “Are you mad at me… Because my boyfriend kissed me?” Big Bwo starts walking towards Oni-chan/ me actually. “Because… you saw us kissing you got upset about it…. and your heart hurts doesn’t it…” He said it so casually. I started to cry again and nodded while holding me tears in, “Mhmm…”. My Big Bwo stroked my cheek, “Silly~. That doesn’t change the way I feel about you. We’re still gonna do all our fun things, and hang out like we usually do - Well that’s if you stop being mad at me~”. I sniffled, nodded and hold out my pinky for a pinky promise. He smiled big, took my pinky, crossed it with his, and said our promise song together, “A Promise Is A Promise. So If You Tell A Lie. Drink A Thousand Sand Needles, And Drop Dead Till You Die.” Oni-Chan, and Big Bwo-Bwo’s boyfriend looked at us with wide eyes. I hold his pinky for a moment more and looked into my Big Bwo’s eyes. “Umm… Guys, we’re here.” Oni-chan informs us as we stand on our front lawn. “Come on Little Cub - *Puts me down gently* On the ground you go.” My Big Bwo pat me on the head, “Come on, Eden we could watch ‘The Amazing World Of Gumball’ together”. I turned back to see Oni-Chan, “Oni-Chan…..” I blushed and looked down before I could say anything else. Oni-Chan kneeled Down And took my hand, “Here, whenever you get hungry~” he pets my head and waves goodbye. I wagged my tail and waved back, “Bye-Bi!~” I yelled out to him, and looked down at what he handed to me, “ Oreo~...”. Oreo, that’s the name I’ve given him after I met him.