NEW PAGE!! yay. No seriously tho, every scan I commit to I have to brace for the error message or the USB disconnect sound or the Black Scan of Death or something and equally terrifying and I need a well deserved cup of tea now, seriously though a new scanner is on the xmas list.
Trying to depict Kim here as Emily's protective surrogate as well as senpai is really hard. I mean I didn't really have anyone like that I could look up to in school. Emily once defended my honor tho, so it's something I wanted to incorporate... but it wasn't like this. It was like someone tried to pin my ass to a wall for something and Emily (rather than disassociate) was my alibi. She could've let me hang but she stuck her neck out so I can't be mad at that. Here's Kim returning the favor.
Continuing my new comic project! Every Wednesday I will attempt to continue to tell the story of how Emily discovers her sexuality and how Kimberly develops her crush on Emily as well as other things about Emily's and Kim's backstory perhaps. Tune in every Wednesday!
Emily and Kim are (c) Gaz TV inc. Owned by me, Created by me Art by me