My heart was racing when I saw her get stung on some gif on derpibooru. Hasbro is just sadists. ...then in turns out it was e-rated stings. With electricity
My heart was racing when I saw her get stung on some gif on derpibooru. Hasbro is just sadists. ...t
Not from the cartoon itself, but this was made a few years ago, by one I remember as Crooked Trees as whom I think made this one. Fluttershy-tangled. That image also remind me of a movie called The Ruins.
When the cartoon showed the illness in this episode your drawing came from would turn one infected into a tree (or plant of some sort with branches), it quickly remind me a lot of the art and jokes going around of when Fluttershy once said she wanted to be a tree. ^.^
I agree, that cartoon has had some dark and cruel moments in it of things done to the ponies, such as Lord Tirek nearly sucking the life from all he came across, a story of them nearly frozen to death in ice years ago, but having any of them slowly turn into a plant with no sign of a cure, that can about be called sadistic. 0.o
Oh' and half of why I like watching the cartoon. ^.^
Not from the cartoon itself, but this was made a few years ago, by one I remember as Crooked Trees a