Inside the mind of Axel Wolf, there are two sides of him. One side is his light side, a kind and generous werewolf who protects those who are close to him and also loves Victorian era music. The other is his dark side, a side that he is very afraid of that if his evil side ever got out, death and destruction will come to everyone, including those he loves and cares for. Ever since Axel was bitten by a wolf, his kind werewolf side has always fought and kept his evil werewolf side from ever coming out while always comforting Axel when he sleeps. Someday, Axel and his kind werewolf side will merge so he will stay a gentleman werewolf forever but for both don't know that in the deep mind of Axel, Axel's evil werewolf side is breaking the barrier that keeps his good and evil sides at bay and if his evil ever got out, death and destruction will follow...