Another week another sketch with extra sparkles LIGHTNING
Though I have bad news Kiddos: my cscanner is on the Fritz and until I figure something else out there won't be any more Final Fanfic crossovers (or Em+Kim Webcomic pages) D:
I drew Emily as Edward Elric from FMA last Friday, so it's all done, and Saturday I was upgrading my desktop computer to a better OS and when I tried to reupload the scanner drivers it wouldn't take... so I had to brute force the drivers manually uninstalling them in safemode and forcing a reinstall in the device manager and finally, when the poxy drivers took control and I could finally open the scanner GUI the scanning arm wouldn't produce light so all my scans turn up black. Save for taking a photo of the inks (which seriously kills the quality) I dynno what else to do with this scanner. I don't have a backup scanner either. *sigh*
Edward Elric, and FullMetal Alchemist is (c) Hiromu Arakawa and Viz Media Emily is (c) Gaz TV inc. 98 Owned and Created by me Art by me