Flug watched as BlackHat stormed off in just barely controlled rage back into the crowd of the convention. As soon as the demon was out of sight, the scientist turned to 5.0.5. who handed him his backpack that he had taken off earlier. The curtain was still around them as he immediately opened some pill bottles and started dry-swallowing an assortment of the medications. He took a syringe out and injected himself with another substance as well, barely able to keep the needle steady, quivering uncontrollably.
Oh, DAMN.... That was so much harder then I thought it would be! I-I-I can't... He thought, terrified by his own boldness, and struggling to fight back tears. He started to feel the effect of the drugs, which he knew he took more then he was really supposed to, but he didn't care, because he needed as much as he could handle. I have to, I need it. I need it. I need it. I need it. He kept thinking to himself, as he felt his fear slowly starting to melt away. He can't see my fear. No way. If he sees it, it will only give him fuel, and satisfaction, which will only drive him more. I'll be dead, hell, I should already be dead ten times over!
Don't you want to drive him? See what he can do? Test him, play with him, see what happens...? Flug snapped his head over to 5.0.5. The bear hadn't said anything (besides his usual bear noises), but was looking at him worriedly. Yes, play with him, make him hate you... Get him to be obsessed with you, drive him mad, that will take him down! You still care about him, you can't let him go, so if you can't have him in any other but that, do it, destroy him!!! The scientist kept looking around, where was this....?! It was only then that he realized, it was his own voice/thoughts in his head. But it sounded... audible... He thought... Why...?
He felt a gentle tapping on his shoulder, it was 505. The bear handed him his bag. Flug immediately felt himself calm down more. He took the bag and smiled at the bear as he put it on over his face again. He got his backpack on as well, making a mental note that he should never be without it if he was out of the base, it was pretty stupid of him to take it off, even briefly, at the convention, regardless of the shield. The backpack was his lifeline. And the bag, he thought to himself... For whatever sanity he had left...
"It's alright, Blueberry! I think I might have a slight mental condition... But hey, that's nothing knew, I am a MAD scientist afterall! Now, let's go see what else is going on at this party! Lock it up!" The scientist had started with the nickname shortly after leaving Bishop's, his previous boss had never let him give the bear a cute pet nickname, but of course, now he could do whatever he wanted.
The bear hurriedly pushed a button that extended the shield around the booth, and made it visible. No one would be messing with it while they were gone. He followed his friend around the convention happily, staying close and walking paw in hand.
Now that BlackHat knew who he was, he didn't need the aviators helmet. Hiding was pointless, and he WANTED to flaunt himself in public. He was the new one in town, he was a genius, and he was going to show them he wasn't someone to be trifled with. They knew him before as the demon's trembling pet scientist, now... He was someone entirely different.
BlackHat was doing his absolute best to completely ignore the fact that of all people to be sitting behind him in this ridiculous meeting room, it had to be Flug. Dementia and 505 were not present, as they were in the minion room, 'playing'. This meeting room was more of an auditorium demonstration/stage place. He wasn't entirely sure how to describe it. It basically had a movie theater screen on it and was projecting a film highlighting all the best villains works for the previous year, along with several commercials for products from some of the scientists.
BlackHat's were always last, because they were the best, and they ALWAYS had to put them at the end, to show the fact that despite everything they had seen, they would NEVER be able to top him. The seats on either side of him were empty. Usually one of them was occupied by Flug himself, the only reason the demon had allowed him to the meetings before was to ripoff ideas for inventions on the screen when he saw them.
The eldritch turned only his head, and as his role was playing on screen, he saw that the scientist had propped his feet up on the chair next to BlackHat, and appear to be taking a nap, not even paying attention.
It was taking all of the demon's concentration and willpower NOT to turn around and rip the human's innards out. FUCKING ARROGANT BAG-HEADED FOOL OF A- the scientist gave a well timed fake snore and pretended to wake up as the film ended. The demon rose and left quickly without saying a word, lest he do something rash. Patience, he thought, patience... But that was wearing thin.
Flug took his time getting to the next convention area. He had plenty. And he wanted to be ready... He knew BlackHat would be there first, as he always was, to get the best spot, though of course with his glares he could easily convince anyone to move if he wanted to. The scientist took some more pills. I need it. I need... I have to... Just a little bit more... He felt the adrenaline start to surge in him, excitement filling him, his unease disappearing as if it never existed. Yes. FUCKING YES! NOW THIS WAS WHAT HE WAS GONNA DO! EVERYTHING, JUST...
EVERYFUCKINGTHING!!! EVERYTHING WAS HIS NOW! He felt like he was on a freight train going a hundred miles an hour, nothing could stop him! As he entered the hall leading to the stadium, which was already full, he could barely control his mirth. He was shaking again, but not in fear. Anticipation. Yes. He was ready!
The Duel Arena was lit up, in a stadium that was outside. Enough room for any amount of fighting for the villains, for the most part. The Villain Duels had been around for many years, and the only rules involved, were that the loser, would have to fix the repairs that were caused during the battle. The opponent could kill them of course, but if he did then THEY would be stuck with the bill. It USUALLY kept the death toll down, not that it mattered to them much. The observation area's had shields to protect the viewers, but anything not in the shields was fair game to whatever carnage took place.
BlackHat grumbled, Demencia was sitting next to him again, bouncing up and down. Scanning around, he didn't see the scientist or the stupid bear. Hmph. Odd. The announcer also seemed to be fumbling today, he kept muttering things into the mic, that didn't make much sense, such as: No no, this must be a mistake... Check again! I can't just say that! but no one ever.... but but!
The demon rolled his eyes. Was the convention even this ridiculous last year? Or did he not notice it because he was always so busy with business during it...? Usually he was distracted by his three employees... Now he just had Demencia, and she was quite ignorable most of the time, since she was contained for the most part.
The announcer FINALLY seemed to regain his senses, clearing his throat and speaking again. "Okay, well, She-devils and Gents, for this years duel... I... Well... The match will certainly be entertaining! THE CHALLENGER! DR. FLUG SLYS!!!"
There was a giant burst of smoke and lightning on one of the podiums on the stadiums middle stage, the scientist coming seemingly out of nowhere from it, cackling madly, though the bag on his head concealed his expression, it was easy to tell that he had without a doubt, lost his mind.
Flug finally managed to get himself to stand up straight from his insanity. The medication was working perfectly! Nothing could stop him, EVERYTHING WAS HIS, HE WAS GOING TO FUCK SOME SHIT UP! He kept glancing around, as if daring someone to enter, waiting for someone to vent his madness on. He was so high on his cocktail of medications that his trembling was quite obvious. Of course the crowd mistook it for madness.
"... It looks like the good 'DOCTOR' is READY!!! I think he might have a few tricks up his lab coat sleeves!! But I don't think he'll be able to win this... I mean, we can all tell he's completely insane, but I doubt that will save him in any form..."
BlackHat raised an eyebrow. So that was where Flug had gotten to. Idiot, he thought to himself. He actually hoped to himself that Flug would win this fight, he would get to see whatever tricks the moron had thought up, and he wanted the pleasure of killing the scientist himself, he wasn't about to let another villain take that right from him.
The announcer was still being odd, and rambling on, glorifying whoever the opponent was going to be. So... Strange. Normally the announcer would NOT take sides, in fear that he may get his prediction wrong, he didn't want to be mutilated by the winner.
"and so, we will have to say our good-bye's to the poor insane wretch of a doctor, for he has challenged BLACK HAT!!!"
With that, the announcer shut up, and the sound of a mic dropping could be heard, along with some scrambling, no doubt he had attempted to hide himself under the desk in his booth. Like that would do anything. The entire stadium fell absolutely silent, not daring to make a sound. The only noise was Flug's drug induced cackling.
No one had EVER, dared to challenge the demon. NEVER. They knew full well what he was capable of. Death was inevitable, and he wouldn't have to pay for repairs, if he didn't feel like it, simply because he was the best there was. The most evil. And if someone was STUPID enough to challenge him, then he shouldn't have to pay for the damage he created for them being a complete and utter fool.
BlackHat didn't comprehend it at first, until he noticed everyone was staring at him, especially Flug. WHAT THE HELL?! HOW WAS THIS EVEN ALLOWED TO HAPPEN?! He knew Flug was insane, but THIS.... The demon rolled his eyes. "You have got to be joking..." He mumbled to himself, although a malicious smile was starting to form with his sharp teeth.
Dementia had stopped bouncing, and was watching too, she wanted to see what his reaction would be. Curious.
Flug's bagged head twitched oddly side to side as he watched his former boss stand up, leaning on his cane.
"Heh! Oh dear Doctor. You really are an IDIOT! But I suppose if you REALLY want to die so horribly in front of an audience, I suppose that for your years of faithful service, I shall grant your wish...!" The demon disappeared in a mist of smoke, only to reappear a few seconds later on the other end of the stages podium, tipping his hat in an elegant fashion. He was calm and collected, but the anticipation on his face was showing from his shit-eating grin.
Flug didn't appear to be unnerved at all from his opponents acceptance for the duel. It was he who planned it, after all. He wanted this now more then anything. Sure he was completely terrified of the demon, and wanted to be as far away from his as possible, but at the same time, he didn't want to lose him. Lose him, what was he thinking... Irrelevant, he needed the bastard demon! It was a rather strange addiction... He hated him, yet he wanted him more then anything... the drugs in his system hyper focusing his senses. The human's over stimulated brain taking in every little movement around him.
"Verdammte Scheiße! Hast du mich vermisst Chef??! QUE?! QUE?! Apuesto a que usted lo hizo! Bereit, para asesinar a fuck me ahora?! Hahahaha!!! " The doctor lapsing into several of his learned languages back and forth as his grip on sanity fell further.
His mind was going a million miles a minute as the bell sounded, and the scientist immediately disappeared in another puff of smoke, as BlackHat's tentacles came shooting out of nowhere at him. The demon was still standing on his podium, not bothering to move. He shouldn't have to, he thought, this will be so simple. His tentacles searched, trying to locate Flug through the smoke that was now filling the stadium. Strangely, it seemed electrified, and random bolts kept shooting through it.
The doctor moved as quick as he could, shooting himself up with another syringe. YES. YES YES YES YESYESEYSYESYESYES!!! The tentacles were writhing all around, trying to grab him. NOTGONNAHAPPEN!!FUCKYOU,HAHAHAHA!!! Flug was so high, though he knew full well if he was caught or made one mistake he would be dead, and there would be no way to escape, he didn't give a damn. His foe would kill him in a most painful way if he managed to catch him, but he wasn't going to let that happen.
NOTYETNOTYETNOTYET!!! He kept reminding himself, keeping from using his secret weapon he'd been working on all these months. Everyone thought it was Magnet, that was his special show, but no... While Magnet was great, this thing, this... was more prized, and wasn't for sale. It was his, all his, ITWASALLFUCKINGHIS!!! It may not seem important to others, like the assassin bot, but for him, it was his dream!
The demon had nearly been hit several times with the lightning bolts, which he guessed the scientist was producing from something... sciencey... whatever... He thought. He easily blocked them with his tentacles, whipping them about to dissappate the electricity as if he was batting away flies. Where the hell is he? He certainly is being an annoying little bastard to find, Black hat thought to himself.
"Idioooootttt? Where are youuuu? I simply wish to tear your organs out and feast upon them, come on out! Don't you want to display to the crowd what your insides look like, you shouldn't deny them the show, with all this smoke, it's quite simply rude!" He said, with a sinister laugh.
The demons taunts continued for a few minutes, when he felt his tentacles grasp something. AHHH YES!!! He pulled it through the smoke to him... WHAT?! It was a dead body... of... some random... person?! It certainly wasn't Flug, that was for sure, it was horribly disfigured beyond the point of recognition, it's insides and body parts all switched about this way and that! He threw it violently at the crowd, and it splatted against the shields, raining blood and internals everywhere. Suddenly, the demon felt warm breath on the back of his neck. Spinning around, there was nothing there! WHAT... WHAT WAS HAPPENING... WAS HE IMAGINING THINGS?!
His tentacles gripped another... This was cold too, instinctively he threw it, once again, at the crowd, and his assumptions were correct, another random dead body that wasn't recognizable from being mutilated. More and more came, all meeting the same end, the stench of decaying body parts filling the stadium. The crowd was screaming, in fear, excitement, repulsion, and many other emotions. WHERE THE HELL WERE ALL THESE COMING FROM?!
Insane cackling from the mad scientist filled the air again, along with insane babbling of words in several languages that no longer made sense, and the smoke finally began to clear around him, as he rose up quickly and gracefully from the stage. The blowout from the twin engines on his plane wings, which were attached to his backpack were clearing the area. Behind him there was a portal of a sort, and there were numerous dead bodies coming out of it, one by one, being thrown in the demons direction, from unseen force within. It was glowing a strange, demonic red, black, and orange, and was radiating immense heat. It was an absolutely disgusting sight to see, as many of the bodies appeared to be missing limbs, or already be extremely decomposed.
For a moment, just a moment, Black Hat stared at him in disbelief. But even that moment was more then what anyone had gotten from him in ages. True shock that this... this whimpering... unstable, terrified... weak... worthless... scientist... The sight of Flug in this moment stunned, and then enraged him.
The demon let out a roar, monacle cracking, and his tentacles went after his now visible prey.