These were inevitable, and have whet my appetite for more artwork. This time it's Carrie's turn in the wardrobe!
Left to Right, Top to Bottom:
1. Understickers! Fun. Customizable. And they hold your tits up nicely in any outfit!
2. Carrie's favorite getup. It's cute, girly, and virtually guaranteed to get her in Natalie's pants. Not very good for fisticuffs, but the humiliation of being defeated by someone wearing it is well worth the trade off.
3. She made fun of Natalie's Cap'n Comet costume, but in secret jealousy she made her mother make another one, this time for herself. Decent to fight in, if she could will herself to wear it in public.
4. Cosplay as Collossus. Get ready for a fastball special!
13 years, 4 months ago
07 Sep 2011 08:01 CEST
Initial: a53f8cc30ddb714de14ad4b6bcc9b059
Full Size: 21a8059438d5e615bea1a5bc439563cd
Large: 010cd9c73a27b9e231241ffb15544596
Small: dc65c08228b4eae5c6776a0f348dbe16
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