What is your name:
Robert Orr
Where were you born:
New York City, NY
Do you have any family:
I have three sons, three brothers, a father, and mother. My own wife died of cancer. Thank you.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years:
10 years? I'll be approaching retirement by then. I might take it a few years early, I have a good retirement fund set up. I'm a stock broker. I like to think I'm good, at least my firm has gotten good returns for our clients. Ah, no, I'm not one of those investment geniuses. I do my research, and I've found a few hidden gems, but I've made my share of mistakes too. I was all set to invest in the early consoles, instead of the personal computer, one of my employees was the one to insist on that.
What is your goal:
To be honest, I've pretty much already achieved it. Like I said, I have a good retirement fund, I have my kids, who still come and visit. I have friends, oh and it's actually safe to say that these days, but I can sleep with guys and not have to worry about who'll find out, well, unless it's their wives. I'm kidding. As far as I know, none of them are married.
What obstacles have you had in your life:
Sandra's death was pretty hard. I hit the bottle and almost lost my firm.
How have you overcome them:
Oh, my dad. He showed up one day and, hmmm, screw my head on straight.
What are you most passionate about:
Cars. You should visit my garage, I always have a car in there I'm rebuilding. Oh, I'm strictly an amateur, self-taught and everything, but I've modified all the cars I've owned over the years to tweak them to my liking.
Do you have a pet peeve:
Smokers. I can't stand them. I'm all for people who want to destroy their lungs, but they need to keep it to their homes and not make me a victim of their addiction.
What relationship-romantic or otherwise-has been the most significant in your life:
My wife. Sandra meant everything to me.
What has been your greatest accomplishment:
Raising three rambunctious boys by myself. Bryan was eight when Sandra died.
Your greatest failure:
Crawling into the bottle instead of confronting my grief.
What do you consider your greatest strength:
I have a good head on my shoulder. I can think and analyze data.
Your greatest weakness:
Ahhh, sex. Oh, I love sex, and that has gotten me into trouble at times. No, I won't give you details, only to say that I managed to avoid going to jail by sheer luck twice.
How do you compensate for your weakness(es):
Well, in this day and age it isn't the problem it was before, so it sort of resolved itself, but back then I took care to verify that the guys who expressed an interest in me were actually gay and not police officers looking for an easy bust.
Are you well-liked? Why or why not? If not, would you want to change that? What changes would you be willing to make:
You know, you really should be asking the people around me, I doubt asking us that question will get you accurate answers. Having said that, I'd like to think that yes, I'm well liked. That isn't to say I haven't made enemies over my career, but overall, I have more friends than people who don't like me.
What one thing is essential to having a good day? Or Describe your hypothetical best day ever:
Something essential to having a good day? Being able to go home, have a friend come over so we can enjoy each other's company.
What is your decision-making process:
Thinking things over, analyzing the data I can find about the issue.
Who do you admire most:
My mom, because she was able to handle, me, my brothers, and my dad. Trust me, the five of us were a handful. We were always getting into trouble with each other, but somehow she kept on loving all of us.
Which Deadly Sin would you be:
I want to make sure it's clear that I don't believe in sins. That's right, I'm not religious. I'm gay, so you can imagine how I felt about all the fire and brimstone the Catholic spewed when I was younger. My parents aren't' religious either, but back then the school were all religious, so yeah, I had to endure a lot of it. No, my loving my wife isn't a contradiction. Being gay means I want to have sex with men, but I can still love a woman. No, I didn't cheat on her. Of course I had sex with her, you think my three sons are illegitimate? Trust me, they're mine, I know.
Who is your role model:
I don't think I ever had a single role model. The idea that one person can encompass the width of everything we should seek to achieve is a dangerous one, I think. I've taken bits and pieces from a lot of people I've known and read about.
What is your favorite book:
Arg. I don't like reading. Yes, I know. It's weird of me to say that considering how much reading is involved in doing research, but after doing all of that I don't feel like doing anymore. I'll put on a movie to relax.
What is your weapon of choice:
Really? Weapon? I don't fight, so I don't have one.
Do you have any spiritual belief/s:
Be good to yourself and the people around you.
If you could be in a Disney movie, what would your role be:
I don't know, all the princes end up with princesses, not really my thing.
Which emoji describes you the best:
Is there a lewd one? That would be me.