Shine As Dull As Mine
[At Starbeam's house…]
"I'll get it," said Starbeam before proceeding to answer the door.
"Starbeam, I've got a problem. I wanted to try Starlight's Shine-On product but it doesn't work and I want to have a shiny belly like the other ponies because right now, I have no shine anywhere" stated Star Swirl.
"That is a problem. Could we try to get the others to not be shiny for the day?" replied Starbeam.
"It wouldn't be the same. There's gotta be some way I can be shiny too," protested Star Swirl.
"How about shiny clothing?" suggested Starbeam. *Star Swirl shakes her head*
"Maybe I'm just not meant to have a shiny body after all," sighed Star Swirl.
"Now come on, that's not true. We can talk to Sweetheart about it. She's a white pony just like you so she must be having the same problem," assured Starbeam. *They walk out the door* [At Sweetheart's house…]
"So you truly want to have a shiny body like the others and the Shine-On stuff doesn't work? I truly understand your concern. It doesn't exactly bother me that I don't have a shiny body because I'm still loved by them anyway but since shininess is only shown in white, it doesn't show on white ponies like us. Let's go talk to Starlight because she truly would know all about her product since she made it. *They walk to the Ice Cream Shop* [At the Ice Cream Shop…]
"Uh-oh, I hadn't thought about ponies being unable to shine with my product. That lowers the number of buyers I can get," pondered Starlight.
"We still love you shiny or not, Star Swirl," said Melody.
"You don't understand. I feel left out not having the feeling of shiny smooth skin to adore all day long and that's why I bought your product but it doesn't work," replied Star Swirl.
"I'll have to come up with a new product just for ponies that can't use Shine-On and rest assured that I will," said Starlight. [Later that day…]
"Well what'll we do now until Starlight comes up with that product? Are there any planets or stars you want to look at?" asked Starbeam.
"It's daytime. You won't see any of those now. The moon is out but there isn't much of a point in looking at it with my telescope because it's not as bright as it is during nighttime," protested Star Swirl.
"Oh, you're right," sighed Starbeam.
"Guess you'll get to have my bottle of Shine-On since I can't use it," said Star Swirl walking sadly home. [At Star Swirl's house…]
"No wonder you're unhappy. White has been known to be a pretty dull color but it's not your fault. You want to have other ponies admire the same finish the others have and that gives me an idea," said Lickety Split. *She darts off* [At Starlight's house…]
"That's perfect! Why didn't I think of that when I was first creating Shine-On?" replied Starlight excitedly.
"It'll make Star Swirl more than happy no doubt," agreed Lickety Split.
"I'll see what I can do to make this happen," said Starlight.
"How long do you think it'll take to get done?" asked Lickety Split.
"Won't know until I actually start making it. See ya later," said Starlight before heading out. [Back at Star Swirl's house…]
"Hey Star Swirl, Starlight says she has a product in the works that is just what you need. No telling how long it'll take though so you'll have to be patient," explained Lickety Split.
"I bet it'll be totally worth the wait, or weight if you prefer. Won't be long until this gorgeous gut of mine jiggles with pride," said Star Swirl excitedly. *The telephone rings and Lickety Split answers it*
"Hello? Oh, it's for you, Star Swirl," answered Lickety Split before handing over the phone. *Star Swirl takes the phone and listens*
"Really? I'll be there right away!" exclaimed Star Swirl in delight. [At the Ice Cream Shop…]
"Star Swirl, I present to you first-hoof…Pearl-On! This substance only works on ponies your color, which means that you'll have something we can't have so we'll be even," announced Starlight. *Star Swirl happily takes it and applies it*
"Oh my goodness, it's beautiful," said Star Swirl giving her belly some rubs and jiggles.
"We're glad you're finally happy again, Star Swirl. We never like to see any pony unhappy and we totally understood your concern. You'll now be proud to show off every inch of your plump frame," replied Starlight.
"Oh yes I most definitely will be. I owe you everything, Starlight, for working your hardest to make me feel at home here again," agreed Star Swirl.
"Now our Star Swirl can truly shine, literally," said Starbeam. *The group laughs*