When asked to comment, Twilight had this to say: "Oh, it was definitely powered on. It works the same way as Rarity's sewing machine."
Any other inquiries about Equestrian-brand Apple computers can be made to Sweet Apple Acres, where Big Macintosh has issued a general statement: "One pony plus hundreds of apple trees equals Ah'm a freakin' mathematical genius, apparently, so have a computer."
When asked to comment, Twilight had this to say: "Oh, it was definitely powered on. It works the sa
Actually, that's pretty accurate! The show's creator even said that whenever technology was used in an episode (like with Rarity's electric sewing machine, which clashes with the decidedly low-tech feel of the world), she'd just turn her head and pretend it had been enchanted by unicorn magic while it was being built.
Actually, that's pretty accurate! The show's creator even said that whenever technology was used in